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  You can feel the magic of the winter holidays in the German cities long before Christmas, especially since local markets lack the commercial[商业的] touch of major department stores. They are romantic and carry you back in time to your own childhood, as colorful crowded stalls[货摊] sell handmade items from local craftsmen[工匠]: wooden toys and figures[人体的形状], puppets, candles or small leather shoes. The air is full of fragrances[香气]: baked apples, spiced mulled wine注1, chestnuts[栗子] and grilled[烤] sausages. The Christmas Market in Stuttgart will open almost 250 stalls, decorated with Christmas colors. It is the perfect place to go with kids, because they have a children’s playground. A giant ferris wheel[摩天轮] is ready to present aerial[空中的] views of the city to the little ones, while, in the streets, they can meet some of their beloved fairy tale characters.
  In the land of Hans Christian Andersen, Christmas is like a fairy tale. In Copenhagen, the winter holiday atmosphere[气氛] is everywhere: on the streets decorated with garlands[花环] of fir[冷杉] and in the squares turned into skating rinks[溜冰场]. The main attraction is Tivoli Gardens, which lights up every year, around Christmas, with thousands of colored lights. From the stands[摊] of the Christmas market, you can buy handicrafts, souvenirs[纪念品] and Danish foods. You can also visit the main shops in town. At the Illum, one of the most attractive department stores in Copenhagen, one can find toys inspired by Andersen’s stories.
  In the British capital, you will find not one, not two, but dozens of markets and exhibitions dedicated to the Christmas season. You can shop in the famous Harrods store注2 or on Oxford Street注3 and Regent Street注4. In Hyde Park, fun is guaranteed[保证] for children, because this famous place turns into a fairytale land during the winter holidays. A ride on the giant wheel offers spectacular views over London. And a giant ice rink is accessible[易接近的] for both beginners and professionals.   在英国首都(伦敦),你会发现不只有一两个,而是有几十个专门为圣诞季而设的集市和展览。你可以在著名的哈罗得百货商店或牛津街、摄政街购物。海德公园则肯定会成为孩子们的乐园,因为在冬假期间,这个著名景点会变成一个童话王国。坐上摩天轮,伦敦的壮观景色将一览无遗。这里还有一个巨大的溜冰场,向初学者和专业人士开放。
  The Christmas market in Barcelona has an ancient tradition. The first market was held here in the winter of 1786. 300 stands will be waiting for customers with toys and handmade Christmas decorations, gifts and Christmas trees. Children will surely love to hit the “Caga tió” —a decorated Christmas log[圆木] that, according to the Catalan[(西班牙)加泰罗尼亚的] tradition, brings sweets and cakes to the children, after being hit with a stick while singing a song.
  Some of the most beautiful Christmas markets are held in the Austrian capital. If you travel to Vienna in December, you shouldn’t miss the Christmas market in front of the City Hall and the stores on Mariahilferstrasse(the famous shopping street in Vienna). Among stalls selling mulled wine, roasted chestnuts and traditional cookies, you will find tons of gifts. At Sch?nbrunn Palace, you will discover a fairytale land where you can buy original gifts, decorations, crafts, souvenirs and sweets, while listening to live concerts and Christmas carols[圣诞节颂歌].
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To most Americans, the pilgrims注1 of Plymouth, Massachusetts are the iconic[标志性的] inspiration[灵感] for today’s Thanksgiving feast[节日,盛宴].  After the winter of 1620 killed almost half of their people, t
在人生的旅途中,我们总要面对各种各样的选择,比如选择是在熟悉的家乡上大学,还是离开家人到外地求学。又或者当你在某一个领域已经取得一定成绩,你会选择继续留在那个“comfort zone”(舒适区),还是放弃已经拥有的一切,去开辟一片新天地呢?本文作者毅然选择了后者,你对此又有什么看法?不妨和同学讨论一下。  At a recent visit to the beautiful Keukenhof