Hinder,More Than Help

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  Ladies and gentlemen, I’m honored to stand here on behalf of my school to share my experiences and opinions with you. Some people say that our mother tongue is of great help to our learning English. However, for my point of view, too much use of Chinese will definitely exert negative effects and tend to hinder the learning progress.
  Today if my students were here, some of them might say,“What a people mountain people sea! ”Funny? But popular among our students. Please allow me to show you a composition of my student to get a better view of this phenomenon which calls for deep thought. Besides poor vocabulary and grammar, problems also can be found in their pronunciation owing to the interferences of our mother tongue. As a middle school English teacher, I often hear many students reading English aloud, but I usually feel that they are actually reading Chinese. Because they do not realize that English is stress-timed while Chinese is syllable-timed when they are reading .For example, I even found one of my students pronounced “thank you ”like Chinese characters (三口油)。
  All we mentioned just mow is as known as Chinglish,a sort of non-canonical English accompanied by Chinese language traits, including way of pronouncing and thinking, choice of words and phrases, expressions and sentence patterns.As Wanghuan, a famous linguist said “It’s the easiest and most natural thing for whoever learns a second language to apply his own linguistic habits to learning a foreign language.”This suggests that an emphasis should be put on the perception-oriented teaching and learning linguistic knowledge, such as phonetics, vocabulary, syntax and grammar.For the Chinese students, first thing is to listen and imitate it on a tape and listen for differences. Mimic as often as possible——it really works. Secondly,it’s essential and necessary for them to enlarge their vocabulary through reading and speaking and have a good understanding of English linguistic knowledge instead of using the Chinese thought pattern.
  Nevertheless,English learning is a complex process, and even for those who have already possessed a good linguistic knowledge, it’s still difficult for them to comprehend and use what they are learning appropriately. Once I told my students an English joke. A little girl at her first church wedding suddenly whispered loudly to her mother,” Mummy, has the lady changed her mind?”“Why, dear, what do you mean?” “Well, Mummy, she went up the aisle with one man but came back with another.” When I finished, most the students just looked at me, puzzled. Why? Like the little girl, they don’t know that at a western wedding ceremony, a bride first needs to be escorted by her father hand in hand along the way to her groom, which is totally different from our custom. After hearing my explanation, the students burst out laughing. And this class turned out to be a good chance for the students to get to know some cultural background knowledge in addition to language knowledge itself. Without sufficient background knowledge of social culture, the cross-cultural difficulties will become a real obstacle in the English acquisition.
  In conclusion, we teachers must ensure the students an exact and clear understanding of the language knowledge as well as abundant culture content in order to help them to overcome the interferences of our mother tongue. Unless in some clearly-defined circumstances, we’d better teach in all-English instead of in Chinese. Learning English is a process, not a sudden achievement. As long as you are progressing, you have nothing to regret!
深秋十一月,菊花怒放。记者走进武汉市粮道街中学,王朝文校长一双热情、厚实、有力的手迎过来。他精神抖擞,话语铿锵有力,思维敏捷,虽只有三十几岁,但谈吐不凡,很有亲和力。  得知记者的采访目的后,王朝文很快入题说:“我们这次学校标准化建设的指导思想很明确,就是从文化的视野思考学校标准化建设 ,从教育理念、思维方式、行为规范、道德风尚、专业素养等方面去思考人的培养和发展。通过学校文化建设为广大师生提供新
这是一块肥沃的土地,它拥有着得天独厚的自然禀赋和传承千古的美丽传说,它从悠悠的历史中走来。孝感,这片沃土山水秀美、人文荟萃,楚文化与孝文化融汇、润泽下的孝感教育传承着历史,续写着时代篇章。  如今,全市各级各类学校1930所,在校学生908829人;其中大学3所,在校学生26500人;普通高中52所,在校生118592人;普通初中233所,在校生294158人;小学1115所,在校学生334840
[摘 要]在科教兴国政策的大力倡导下,中国教育迎来了它蓬勃发展的大好时机。为了在竞争中立于不败之地,各地各校纷纷向一线的骨干教师抛出香饽饽,致使教师大流动。这虽然对教育的发展应该来说是件好事,但这对于城镇二三类学校和边远山区的学校来说却是致命伤,因为这种流动变成了流失,自身的教师补给成了十分严重的问题。  [关键词]中学教师 流失原因 应对策略    随着社会主义市场经济体制的不断完善和发展,科教
新课改精神犹如春风般吹遍了全国各地。春风吹来的是朵朵花儿的竞相开放,使得大地焕然一新,新课改也渐渐更新了我们的教育理念。  《生物》七年级上册“单细胞生物”一节在全书中占有重要的位置,是细胞分裂知识的延伸,是学好多细胞生物的基础,并使学生初步了解生物的进化是由简单到复杂、由低等到高等、由水中生活到陆上生活的,有利于丰富学生对生物多样性和生物对环境适应性的认识。同时,它对激发学生学习生物的兴趣、掌握
2008年高考,洞口一中取得了辉煌的成绩,可谓历史性突破。在本次高考中,我们214班同样取得了优异的成绩,63人参加考试,本科第一批上线6人,本科第二批上线15人,本科第三批上线41人(不包括专业生上本三线者),超额完成学校下达的一本、二本上线指标数(学校下达的一本和二本指标数分别为2人和10人)。下面通过几点谈谈自己的一些心得体会和经验教训。    一、有一个坚强有力的领导集体,有一个统一的思想
[摘 要]科学课细节的把握,主要分为以下四个方面:一,磨刀不误砍柴功——课前准备的细节;二,丝丝入扣,和风细雨——教师语言的细节;三,扶放结合,充分信任——探究过程中的细节;四,有的放矢,润物无声——反馈评价的细节  [关键字]科学 课前准备 探究 语言 评价    科学课程改革已有好几个年头了,绝大多数教师在把握课程标准、教学理念、教学环节上都有了长足的进步,科学课较之以前的自然课有了脱胎换骨的
[摘要]句子理解的研究经历了传统研究范式和ERP研究范式。基于国内外学者的研究成果,本文对比句子理解的两种研究范式,并特别关注2005年至今的句子理解ERP研究的最新成果。  [关键词]句子理解 传统范式 ERP研究范式    一、引言    句子理解是语言整体理解的基本形式与核心。研究者们普遍认为句子理解主要涉及句法分析和语义分析心理过程, 其核心问题是句子中的语义内容和句法内容如何以及何时整合
[摘要]少儿钢琴教学是大家共同关注的课题。钢琴识谱是少儿钢琴教学的重中之重,基础的基础。由于钢琴教师队伍的参差不齐,在少儿钢琴教学中有一种现象值得引起注意,那就是不太重视识谱。这个问题主要责任在老师。本文将从六个方面来探讨钢琴识谱的秘诀。  [关键词]少儿钢琴教学 钢琴考级 识谱    前言    2008年度的钢琴考级活动已渐入尾声,全省各地的钢琴考点星罗棋布,考级人数逐年递增,考生水平明显提高