Pushing Quality Growth

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  As usual, China’s annual Central Economic Work Conference, which was held on December 15-16, reviewed developments in the past year and outlined goals for the next. But this year’s conference grabbed special attention because it was the first of its kind since the new leadership of the ruling Communist Party of China came to power in November.
  A shift of focus from speed to quality in economic growth and a call for reform were the messages emitted from the conference.
  The new leaders pledged to stick to the guideline of transforming the country’s growth model while maintaining economic stability. They also emphasized that next year’s focus should be enhancing the quality and efficiency of economic growth.
  It’s the first time that the quality of economic growth as opposed to its speed became a policy focus. In fact, the idea of quality growth was already on the minds of policymakers in the past, but stable and relatively fast growth had to be prioritized amid a global economic downturn.
  The shift suggests the country is prepared for slower growth as it lays the foundation for sustainable development. Although the lackluster world economy continues to dampen China’s exports, the new leaders see this as an opportunity for the country to expand domestic demand, encourage innovation and transform its growth model.
  While maintaining steady growth and transforming the growth model is to enhance the quality and efficiency of future development, leaders at the conference emphasized that the key is to deepen economic reforms.
  The stress on reform echoed the message by the Party’s top leader Xi Jinping while on a tour to the southern province of Guangdong, the frontier of China’s reform and opening up.
  But in order to pursue reform, the new leaders have to tackle problems from the past. Implementing one measure may affect the interests of many parties. Solving one problem may involve many others. Therefore, greater political courage and wisdom are needed, which the new leaders understand.
  Leaders at the conference also pledged to put forward an overall scheme, a roadmap and a timetable to illustrate their determination in taking concrete action.
  The conference only proposed outlines. Specific policies are to be discussed and adopted at the annual session of the National People’s Congress in March 2013.
  However, signals sent from the conference have already raised expectations of substantial changes ahead for the economy.
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韭菜肉馅饺子深受人们喜爱。尤其在北方,是人们过年包饺子的主角。而且除了包饺子外,还可以用它炒鸡蛋、炒豆腐干,可谓“荤素皆宜”。但是,很少有人知道,这“荤素皆宜”的韭菜在夏季却不宜食用。这其中有何道理呢?不妨先从韭菜的特性说起。    辛温补阳夏日不宜    中医认为,韭菜性温,属于辛温补阳之品,有温中行气、散血解毒、保暖、’健胃的功效。现代研究发现,韭菜中含有挥发性精油及含硫化合物,具有促进食欲和
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【摘要】在二元经济社会结构情况下,我国形成了二元社会保障体系。但随着经济社会城乡一体化的发展,城乡社会保障制度的一体化倍受人们关注。改革我国二元社会保障体系,从保障政策角度推动二元结构的弥合,是科学发展、构建和谐社会的必由之路。  【关键词】二元经济结构;二元社会保障体系;基本措施    社会发展与社会保障是构成一国社会政策整体的两面。这两面相互依存、相互促进,缺一不可。要促进中国社会的转型,改变
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