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目的了解开封市顺河区2004-2010年法定传染病发生水平、构成情况及流行特征,为制定防控对策提供科学的参考依据。方法采用描述流行病学方法对发病率、死亡率、构成比等指标进行分析。结果 7年通过大疫情网络报告法定传染病22种10 669例,总发病率为778.20/10万;其中报告死亡19例,总死亡率为1.39/10万。无甲类传染病报告。报告乙类传染病15种8 871例,发病率为647.05/10万;报告死亡19例,死亡率为1.39/10万。发病呈下降趋势,以乙肝、肺结核、丙肝、痢疾、梅毒为主。报告丙类传染病7种1 798例,发病率为131.15/10万;无死亡病例报告。发病呈上升趋势,以手足口病、流行性腮腺炎、其它感染性腹泻病为主。结论乙类传染病发病率、死亡率远高于丙类传染病,是影响该区法定传染病分布的重要因素;血源及性传播传染病、呼吸道传染病、肠道传染病是威胁当地居民身体健康与生命安全的主要传染病;应根据传染病发病情况,及时调整防控措施。 Objective To understand the level, composition and prevalence of notifiable infectious diseases in Shunhe District of Kaifeng City from 2004 to 2010 and provide scientific reference for the formulation of prevention and control measures. Methods Descriptive epidemiological methods were used to analyze the morbidity, mortality and composition ratio. Results A total of 10 669 cases of 22 cases of legal infectious diseases were reported through the network of major epidemics over a period of 7 years, with a total incidence of 778.20 / 100 000 cases. Among them, 19 cases were reported dead with a total mortality rate of 1.39 / 100 000. No Class A infectious disease report. Fifty-eight (8) or 871 cases of Category B infectious diseases were reported, with a prevalence of 647.05 per 100,000; 19 were reported dead and the death rate was 1.39 per 100,000. The incidence showed a downward trend to hepatitis B, tuberculosis, hepatitis C, dysentery, syphilis-based. Seven kinds of 7987 cases of Category C infectious diseases were reported, with an incidence rate of 131.15 / 100,000; no deaths were reported. The incidence was on the rise, with HFMD, mumps and other infectious diarrhea. Conclusions The incidence and mortality rate of Type B infectious diseases are far higher than Grade C infectious diseases, which is an important factor affecting the distribution of the legal infectious diseases in this area. Blood and sexually transmitted diseases, respiratory diseases and intestinal infectious diseases are threats to local residents Physical health and life-threatening major infectious diseases; should be based on the incidence of infectious diseases, timely adjustment of prevention and control measures.
在咱家,属老爸的爱好最多。琴棋书画可谓样样精通,在众多的爱好中,根雕是老爸的最爱。自六年前从单位退休后,他立马就投入到根雕艺术的探索中。短短几年时间,老爸通过自己的努力,创作了近百件作品。虽算不上高产,但质量却毫不含糊。用老爸自己的话说,人老了,有一份精神追求,是一件挺美的事情。  其实,老爸未退休之前,在繁忙的工作之余,零敲碎打地已制作了一些根雕。不知是因为时间仓促的原因,还是老爸的功底还欠一把