Genetic analysis of meio-and mito-gynogenetic stocks of Paralichthys olivaceus with microsatellite m

来源 :Acta Oceanologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bendehen123
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Twenty microsatellite markers (Po1, Po13, Po33, Po35, Po42, Po48, Po56, Po89, Po91, kop6, kop7, kop8, kop12, kop15, kop18, kop21, kop22, kop23, kop26, Po-str1) were used to assess the meiogynogenetic and mitogynogenetic stocks of the left-eyed flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus, which were derived from single pair crossing. Twelve of the 20 loci utilized showed heterozygosity in the female and were mapped in relation to their centromeres in the meiogynogenetic diploid flounder. Microsatellite-centromere map distance, calculated under the assumption of complete interference, ranged from 15.8 cM for kop22 to 50 cM for Po13, Po56 and Po89. Excluding the kop22, the heterozygosities of the rest of the loci were close to 100%, suggesting the occurrence of near complete interference on the chromosome arms that carried these loci. In the mitogynogenetic diploid flounder, each individual showed exact homozygousity and the segregation profiles did not deviate from the Mendelian 1∶1 pattern. The results indicated that there was no lethal gene linked with the loci analyzed. Such high interference accounted for the high recombination rates and large map distances. The Po13 and Po56 loci, Po91 and kop18 loci, kop15 and kop21 loci are tightly linked on the same chromosome arm in pairs. Twenty microsatellite markers (Po1, Po13, Po33, Po35, Po42, Po48, Po56, Po89, Po91, kop6, kop7, kop8, kop12, kop15, kop18, kop21, kop22, kop23, kop26, Po-str1) were used to assess the meiogynogenetic and mitogynogenetic stocks of the left-eyed flounder, which were derived from single pair crossing. Twelve of the 20 loci demonstrated showed heterozygosity in the female and were mapped in relation to their centromeres in the meiogynogenetic diploid flounder. Microsatellite- centromere map distance, calculated under the assumption of complete interference, ranged from 15.8 cM for kop22 to 50 cM for Po13, Po56 and Po89. Excluding the kop22, the heterozygosities of the rest of the loci were close to 100%, suggesting the occurrence of near complete interference on the chromosome arms that carried these loci. In the mitogynogenetic diploid flounder, each individual showed exact homozygousity and the segregation profiles did not deviate from the Mendelian 1: 1 pattern. The results indicated that there was no lethal gene linked with the loci analyzed. Such high interference accounted for the high recombination rates and large map distances. The Po13 and Po56 loci, Po91 and kop18 loci, kop15 and kop21 loci are tightly linked on the same chromosome arm in pairs.
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