Visible Light Induced Photocatalysis of Cerium Ion Modified Titania Sol and Nanocrystallites

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yrz315
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The cerium ion(Ce4+) doped titania sol and nanocrystallites were prepared by chemical coprecipitation-peptization and hydrothermal synthesis methods, respectively. The X-ray diffraction pattern shows that Ce4+-TiO2 xerogel powder has semicrystalline structure and thermal sintering sample has crystalline structure. Ce4+-TiO2 nanocrystallites are composed of the major anatase phase titania (88.82 wt pct) and a small amount of crystalline cerium titanate. AFM micrograph shows that primary particle size of well-dispersed ultrafine sol particles is below 15 nm in diameter. The particle sizes are 30 nm for xerogel sample and 70 nm for nanocrystallites sample, which is different from the estimated values (2.41 nm and 4.53 nm) by XRD Scherrer’s formula. The difference is mainly due to aggregation of nanocrystallites. The experimental results exhibit that photocatalysts of Ce4+-TiO2 sol and nanocrystallites have the ability to photodegrade reactive brilliant red dye (X-3B ) under visible light irradiation with t The cerium ion (Ce4 +) doped titania sol and nanocrystallites were prepared by chemical coprecipitation-peptization and hydrothermal synthesis methods, respectively. The X-ray diffraction pattern shows that Ce4 + -TiO2 xerogel powder has a semicrystalline structure and a thermal sintering sample has a crystalline structure. Ce4 + -TiO2 nanocrystallites are composed of the major anatase phase titania (88.82 wt pct) and a small amount of crystalline cerium titanate. AFM micrograph shows that primary particle size of well-dispersed ultrafine sol particles is below 15 nm in diameter. The particle sizes are 30 nm for xerogel sample and 70 nm for nanocrystallites sample which is different from the estimated values ​​(2.41 nm and 4.53 nm) by XRD Scherrer’s formula. The difference is mainly due to aggregation of nanocrystallites. The experimental results exhibit that photocatalysts of Ce4 + - TiO2 sol and nanocrystallites have the ability to photodegrade reactive brilliant red dye (X-3B) under visible light irradiation with t
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本论文浅谈了小学语文阅读课堂中,如何让书声回归的问题,解决了目前阅读教学中的无效状态,杜绝教师一言堂的现状,从自身实践中谈了朗读的重要性,课堂朗读训练的方法等。 In