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   He's dubbed the Crown Prince ofBollywood . Son of screen legend Amitbah Bachchan, Abhishek has emerged as a major star in his own right, scooping top awards and starring in a number of blockbusters. Educated in Switzerland and the United States, he entered into acting in his early 20s, first appearing in a string of flops. It was, however, his engagement and marriage this year to top actress and former Miss World Aishwarya Rai that sent the world's press into overdrive. The couple drew comparisons to Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, with every move under scrutiny in the full glare of the spotlight
  Interview 访谈录
   AR: There's certainly no shortage here in India of actors who have famous Bollywood stars as their parents, but I can't think of any of them who have actually made it as big as you have. What do you put that down to?
   AB: I don't believe that first of all. But at the end of the day it's got to do with luck. That's one thing you learn very quickly in the Indian film industry. You can work really hard on your physicality, on your craft, on the films you do. You can choose the best of directors, the best of productions, get the best technicians, you can put your entire body and soul intomaking of a film, but at the end of the day, it all depends on the mood of that one audience member that goes into that theater.
   AR: Guru was a huge hit as well, it must be, I don't know. Kind of weird I suppose, looking at something like that where the critics reacted so favorably. And then thinking back just a few years ago when you and Aishwarya would appear on the screen together and they'd say, there is absolutely no chemistry between you two, what are you doing pairing up?
   AB: The film industry teaches me a lot. And what I do realize very quickly is that as an actor, I have to realize it's not about yourself, it was never about yourself. It's about the film. We actors tend to live in this delusional world where we start believing it's about us. That's not the case. It is never about the actors, it's only about the film. A chemistry between two actors depends on the characters and on the relationship they share. Yes, an actor does bring a little bit of flesh and blood to it, but if it's not written on paper it's not going to translate on film. So if they said in one particular film there was no chemistry, fine. Granted, accepted. But that isn't because of the two of us. At the end of the day, we had released Umrao Jaan in November, in which they said there was zero chemistry and it's a disaster to see them together. And exactly two months later they said it's fantastic chemistry. So it's all very fluid, you can't take it too seriously. You just have to go about doing your job.
   AR: Do you watch everything that you do?
   AB: Yeah — I don't see my dailies; I don't like that because it's an unfinished product, but my films, yes. There was a point of time where I used to watch a film a day almost. It's more like homework. I think it's important for an actor to see the work they've done because every time you revisit a work you come up with a new way of improving it. It's a good way tobrush upyour craft and your skills, so I think it's a good thing to do, keep seeing your films. You do get embarrassed at times, but I think it's a good learning experience, so I do, I do quite often actually.
   brush up: vt. 擦亮(温习)
   1. I must brush up my English before I go to London.去伦敦之前,我必须好好温习一下英文。
   2. Brush up your shoes. 把你的鞋子刷干净。
在学校称呼老师最安全的方法是用“教授”(professor)。若知道老师的姓,亦可称呼其为某某教授,但不要称老师为先生(Sir),尤其是对女老师,因为她们可能会在意。也不要随便直呼老师的名字,除非老师告诉学生可以这么做。   老师的授课方式有:   1.演讲(Lecture)——老师讲,学生听。   2.研讨(Seminar)——学生先自行看书或做完功课后,再到课堂上和老师讨论,多为小组方式。  
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