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近日,笔者到幼儿园参加儿子的家长会,发现一个普遍的现象;参加家长会的母亲占了70%以上的比例,而父亲的参与率却很低。在跟家长的交谈中,笔者还了解到,仍有不少人认为男人主外、赚钱养家,女人主内,照顾孩子是天经地义的事。约有七成的父亲只有周末等节假日才陪孩子玩,平时没时间与孩子交谈的父亲高达近六成。广州市团校穗港澳青少年研究所近期的一项调查也显示,亲子之间交流的时间很短,中小学生反映每天父子倾谈的时间少于15分钟的占了44.5%。虽然现在大多数中年男性工作紧张,应酬多,造成跟孩子在一起的时间少、但不能否认,不少父亲在家庭教育角色上的认识偏颇也是导致此现象发生的一个重要方面。有关幼教人士提醒,父爱、母爱对孩子同样重要、父亲们千万不能忽视了自己在家庭教育中的作用。幼儿园是幼儿的“第二空间”。由于种种原因,我 Recently, I went to kindergarten to attend the meeting of my son’s parents and found a common phenomenon. The number of mothers participating in the parent associations accounted for more than 70% of the total, while my father’s participation rate was very low. In conversation with parents, I also learned that there are still many people think that the main men and women, earn money to support their families, the main woman, take care of children is a matter of course. About 70% of fathers spend their weekends and other holidays only with their children, and usually do not have time to talk to their children as high as nearly Liu Cheng. A recent survey conducted by Guangzhou Youth League Institute of Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macau also showed that the time for parent-child communication was very short, and that primary and middle school students accounted for 44.5% of the time they talked each other in less than 15 minutes each day. Although most middle-aged men now work intensely and socially, they spend less time with their children. However, it is undeniable that many of their father’s biased understanding of family education is also an important aspect of this phenomenon. The kindergarten teachers reminded that fatherhood and motherhood are equally important to children. Dads should not neglect their role in family education. Kindergarten is the “second space” for young children. Due to various reasons, I
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