
来源 :吉林农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhouyonge
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以玉米吉单198为试验材料,利用盆栽试验研究了苗期和拔节期缺水对玉米植株性状、光合生理及产量的影响。结果表明玉米各缺水处理株高、叶面积、冠风干重和根风干重均低于CK,但苗期缺水处理根长高于CK。在子粒灌浆期苗期轻度、中度缺水处理光合速率高于CK,苗期重度缺水和拔节期各缺水处理光合速率均低于CK。苗期轻度缺水减产1.47%,苗期中度缺水增产1.90%,但与对照比差异不显著;其余处理均减产,并与对照相比均达到显著水平。苗期土壤含水量在田间持水量的50%以上时,起到蹲苗促根生长的作用,对产量影响较小,可以考虑不灌;拔节期植株的新陈代谢活动旺盛,水分胁迫既影响营养体生长,又影响内部幼穗的分化,造成营养体生长不良,土壤含水量低于田间持水量的70%应及时补水灌溉。 The pot experiment was conducted to study the effects of water deficit at seedling stage and jointing stage on plant traits, photosynthetic physiology and yield of maize, with maize Jidan 198 as tested material. The results showed that plant height, leaf area, crown dry weight and root dry weight of maize were all lower than those of CK, but the root length of water deficit treatment was higher than that of CK. In the grain filling stage, the photosynthetic rate of seedlings in mild and moderate water deficit treatment was higher than that in CK, and the photosynthetic rates of severe water deficit in seedling stage and water deficit in jointing stage were all lower than those in CK. Mild water deficit in seedling stage decreased by 1.47% and seedling stage moderate water deficit increased by 1.90%, but the difference was not significant compared with the control; the other treatments all reduced production and reached the significant level compared with the control. Seedling soil moisture in the field when the water content of more than 50%, played the role of squat seedlings to promote root growth, yield less affected, can be considered not irrigation; jointing plants exuberant metabolic activity, water stress both affect vegetative growth , But also affect the differentiation of internal panicles, resulting in poor growth of vegetative bodies. Soil moisture content below 70% of field capacity should be replenished timely.
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筱斋家藏多珍善,名楼冠世阅沧桑。2015年6月在北京商务印书馆涵芬楼美术馆举办展览,编撰此联,筱斋即张元济,为商印书馆创办人之一。 Xiao vegetarian possession of more Ja
摘 要:在数学课堂教学中,教师要尊重学生的主体地位,倡导自主合作的学习方式;要结合教材和学生实际,努力创设生动有趣,符合学生年龄特点、认知水平和生活实际的学习情境,使之在已有的知识经验基础上,经历观察、操作、猜想、推理、交流等活动,富有个性地进行数学学习。  关键词:小学数学;情境创设;数学教学;认知水平  数学新课程标准指出,“数学教学,要紧密联系学生的生活实际,从学生的生活经验和已有知识出发,