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一.从词素意义的差别方面去辨析。如追求与寻求,“追”表示朝着一定的目标迫切、积极地行动,而“寻”则表示去探索、寻找。二.从词语的词义轻重差别上去辨析。如批评与批判,前者是对缺点、错误提出意见,后者是对错误的思想、言行作系统的分析并加以否定。后者的词义重于前者。三.从词义范围大小的差异上去辨析。如战争与战役,前者所指范围大于后者。四.从词义的具体和概括上去辨析。如湖和湖泊、书和书籍这两组词中,前者一般指具体的、个别的,后者一般指概括的或集体的.五.从词语的感情色彩上去辨析。如鼓励和怂恿,前者是褒义词,后者是贬义词。六.从词语的语体色彩上去辨析。如哆嗦与颤抖,前者适用于口语,后者适用于书面语。七.从词语的配合关系上去辨析。如执行常与命令、任务搭配,而履行常与诺言、义务、条约等搭配。八.从词语的词性及句法功能不同上去辨析. I. To distinguish from the differences in the meaning of morphemes. If pursued and pursued, “chasing” means pressing for a certain goal to act eagerly and positively, and “seeking” means to explore and seek. Second, from the differences in the meaning of words and phrases to discriminate. Such as criticism and criticism, the former is to make observations on shortcomings and mistakes, the latter is a systematic analysis of wrong ideas, words and deeds and denial. The meaning of the latter is more important than the former. Third, from the difference in the size of the word meaning to discriminate. For wars and battles, the scope of the former is greater than the latter. Four. From the specific meaning and summary of the meaning of the word. For example, in the two groups of words: lakes and lakes, books and books, the former generally refer to specific and individual ones, while the latter generally refer to generalized or collective ones. If encouraged and encouraged, the former is a proverb, and the latter is a derogatory term. Sixth, from the style of words to analyze the color. If you are shivering and trembling, the former applies to spoken language, and the latter applies to written language. Seven. From the relationship between words to distinguish. If the execution is often matched with orders and tasks, the performance is often matched with promises, obligations, treaties, etc. 8. Differentiate from the different parts of speech and syntax.
Front Biosci,2007,12:1899-1910.Bessay等进行了一项研究证实:西地那非、伐地那非或他达拉非通过诱导磷酸二酯酶5(PDE5)的构象变化促进其磷酸化。研究通过移入一种非变性聚
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由于向量具有几何形式和代数方法的双重身份,因此向量在不等式、平面几何、立体几何和解析几何等方面有很多应用,本文对向量在三角函数求值和证明中的应用举例说明如下: Be
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