【摘 要】
3.Addressing an Envelope Write the full name and the address of the addressee in themiddle part of the envelope. The return address which gives thefull name an
3.Addressing an Envelope Write the full name and the address of the addressee in themiddle part of the envelope. The return address which gives thefull name and address of the writer is placed in the upper lefthandcorner of the envelope. Note that the name of the addressee iswritten first; then the number of his/her house, followed by thename of the road/street, on the same line; then the town/city inwhich he/she lives; then the county/state and the zip code; and
3.Addressing an Envelope Write the full name and the address of the addressee in themiddle part of the envelope. The return address which gives thefull name and address of the writer is placed in the upper lefthandcorner of the envelope. Note that the name of the then the number of his / her house, followed the name of the road / street, on the same line; then the town / city inwhich he / she lives; then the county / state and the zip code; and
Although there is a good deal of talk about the office revolution,with the introduction of microchip technology,~1 the everyday life oftoday’s secretary remai
摘 要:音乐是一门具有创造性的艺术,它充分以美的旋律及节奏给人们的思想及生活带去一种美的享受。小学低年级阶段正是培养学生对音乐兴趣萌芽的最好阶段,通过音乐的艺术形象培养学生的思想、道德、情操等,使孩子们在愉快轻松的环境中身心都健康成长。通过创设愉快的教学情境,推动学生积极学习;灵活运用多种愉快教育方法;引导学生即兴表演,激发学生的学习兴趣,收到了较好效果。 关键词:小学低年级;音乐;愉快教学
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批评一个人要比表扬一个人困难得多,而且往往难以达到一定的效果。作为班主任在批评学生时只有把握好分寸,不温不火,深入学生心灵,才能达到“润物细无声”的效果。 一、入情 情感是育人的基础,情感是师生之间心理相融的纽带。学生犯错后,大多内心十分胆怯和惭愧,尤其需要教师的温暖和鼓舞。教师的每一个笑容,每一句推心置腹的话,每一束真诚的目光,往往传达着信任和鼓励的信息,给学生以温暖和勇气。特别是批