Millennial temperature reconstruction based on tree-ring widths of Qilian juniper from Wulan,Qinghai

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Mr__x007
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The climate of the past 1000 years is an important context for evaluating the recent climate warming.However,there are few 1000-year-long climate reconstructions with annual resolution in the Qing-hai-Tibet Plateau.In this paper,a dendroclimatic analysis was conducted for the radial growth of Qilian juniper from the upper forest limit in Wulan,Qinghai Province.The results of correlation analysis between the tree-ring widths and the climate variables indicate that the growth of junipers at the upper forest limit is mainly limited by low temperatures of September,November and February of the pregrowth season,and July of the current growth season.There is no significant correlation between the tree-ring widths and precipitation.A mean temperature from the previous year’s September to the current year’s April was reconstructed for the Wulan area since A.D.1000.The reconstruction can explain 40.8% of the instrumental variance in the calibration period(1856―2002).The reconstruction shows that the 20th century is the warmest 100 years,and the 1990s is the warmest decade during the past 1000 years,while the coldest 100 years and decade occur at 1600―1699 and 1642―1651,respectively.The variations are verified well by the temperature reconstruction of the middle Qilian Mountain(QL) and the total organic carbon(TOC) in the Qinghai Lake sediments.The comparison of our reconstruction with the annual temperature reconstruction of extra-tropical Northern Hemisphere suggests that the climate of Wulan during the Medieval Warm Period is of obvious regional specialty,but there was a good response to the climate of hemispheric scales during the recent 400 years. The climate of the past 1000 years is an important context for evaluating the recent climate warming. However, there are few 1000-year-long climate reconstructions with annual resolution in the Qing-hai-Tibet Plateau. In this paper, a dendroclimatic analysis was conducted for the radial growth of Qilian juniper from the upper forest limit in Wulan, Qinghai Province. The results of correlation analysis between the tree-ring widths and the climate variables that that growth of junipers at the upper forest limit is mainly limited by low temperatures of September, November and February of the pregrowth season, and July of the current growth season. Here is no significant correlation between the tree-ring widths and precipitation. A mean temperature from the previous year’s September to the current year’s April was reconstructed for the Wulan area since AD1000.The reconstruction can explain 40.8% of the instrumental variance in the calibration period (1856-2002). reconstruction shows t hat the 20th century is the warmest 100 years, and the 1990s is the warmest decade during the past 1000 years, while the coldest 100 years and decade occur at 1600-1699 and 1642-1651, respectively. The variations are verified by the temperature reconstruction of the middle Qilian Mountain (QL) and the total organic carbon (TOC) in the Qinghai Lake sediments. the comparison of our reconstruction with the annual temperature reconstruction of extra-tropical Northern Hemisphere suggests that the climate of Wulan during the Medieval Warm Period is of obvious regional specialty, but there was a good response to the climate of hemispheric scales during the recent 400 years.
一颗耀跟的新星,匆匆划过天空,陨落了。 一个平凡的人物,点燃火红青春,升华了。 卞金奎,这位只有37岁韶华的客籍青年,这位已有13年党龄的共产党员,手拿着改了一半的1999年规
一年一度的游泳、跳水“双十佳”评选活动,经过专家们的充分酝酿,精心评选,于乙亥年春节前揭晓,现予公布。 ’94游泳十佳运动员: 乐靖宜(上海)、贺慈红(解放军)、刘黎敏(湖
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