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科技的生命力,在于创新。在改革开放30周年即将到来之际,《泸天化科技》决定从2008年第3期起把《化工技术》栏目拆分为《化肥技术》、《醇醚技术》、《煤化工》三个新栏目,以适应飞速发展科学技术和泸天化的生产建设与科技发展的需要,为广大科技和工程技术人员搭建全新的平台,? The vitality of science and technology lies in innovation. On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the reform and opening up, “Lutianhua Science and Technology” has decided to split the section of “Chemical Technology” into three categories of “Fertilizer Technology”, “Alcohol Ether Technology” and “Coal Chemical Industry” New columns to meet the rapid development of science and technology and Lutianhua production and construction of science and technology needs, for the majority of science and technology and engineering and technical personnel to build a new platform?
THE five-star Grand Hotel Bei-jing is an ideal place to enjoy the charm of Chinese royalty as well as ancient Eastern culture. THE five-star Grand Hotel Bei-ji
1.Your stomach has to produce a new layer of mucusevery two weeks otherwise it will digest itself.为了防止把自己消化掉,你的胃不得不每隔两周就造出一层新的粘膜。
日月交替,四季轮回,又是一年春暖花开时。一声春雷,万物苏醒。阳光变得更加明媚,柳树开始抽芽,花儿开始吐蕊,小溪不再冰封,虫鱼鸟兽不再沉默。农民也开始忙着耕作了,新的一年,新的开始,你是否也向自然借了一点灵气,充实自己了呢?    One spring day, I went on a walking tour in the country.   It was a sunny and joyous
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1.What is language for? Some people seem to think it’s for practicing grammar rules and learning lists of words--the longer the words the better.That’s wrong.
一天,一位年轻人站在城镇的中央,宣布他的心是整个山谷中最美丽的心。围观的人很多,他们都称赞年轻人的心的确是完美无缺,并没有一点伤痕瑕疵。  突然,一位老人出现在人群中,说:“你的心不如我的美丽。”围观者和年轻人都朝老人的心看去:它布满了伤疤,有的地方被挖去又重新填补上,但修补得不甚完整,留下一些参差不齐的疤痕。实际上,有的地方缺失了整块,甚至露出很深的豁口。  年轻人笑了起来:“我们两人的心相比,
This day emerged from a custom of mother worship in ancient Greece,which kept a festival to Cybele,a great mother of Greek gods,say,Zeus. This day emerged from