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目的: 研究幽门螺杆菌(HP) 根除对长期服用非甾体消炎药(NSAID) 的消化性溃疡愈合和复发的影响.方法:将69 例长期服用NSAID的消化性溃疡患者分为HP 阳性雷尼替丁组25 例,HP 阳性雷尼替丁加阿莫西林组23 例, HP 阴性雷尼替丁组21例, 三组的用药时间均为6周.结果: 三组溃疡愈合率依次为64% 、74% 、71%(P> 0.05).追踪溃疡愈合者43 例, 并分为HP 根除组13 例, HP 持续阳性组16 例, HP 持续阴性组14 例.均停用抗溃疡药物, 继续服用NSAID6 个月后复查.累计溃疡复发率三组分别为31% 、44% 、29% (P> 0.05).结论: 根除HP 不能提高NSAID相关消化性溃疡的愈合率, 亦不能降低其复发率, 且HP 持续阳性者其溃疡复发率有升高趋势","Objective: To study influence of eradicating Helicobacter pylori (Hp) on healing and recurrence of peptic ulcer cases with long term nonsteroial antiinflammatory drug(NSAID) use Methods:69 peptic ulcer cases taking long term NSAID were divided into ranitidine group of Hp positive reaction( n =25, ranitidine 0 15 g,two times a day), ranitidine plus amoxicillin group of Hp positive reaction ( n =23,ranitidine 0 15 g,two times a day; amoxicillin 0 5 g,three times a day) and ranitidine group of Hp negative reaction ( n =21, Ranitidine 0 15 g,two times a day) Results:Ulcer healing rates in three groups were 64%,74%,71% in tu( P >0 05) 43 healed cases were divided into the eradicated Hp group( n =13),Hp lasting positive reaction group( n =16) and Hp lasting negative reaction group( n =14) Peptic ulcer drug use weren stopped NSAID was taken continuously 43 cases were checked in 6 months U1cer recurrence rates in three healed groups were 31%,44%,29% respectively ( P >0 05) Conclusions: Eradicating Hp cannot improve the ulcer healing rates and cannot reduce the recurrence rates either But the ulcer recurrence rates of Hp lasting position reaction show a tendency to increase
目的: 通过应用多种方法探讨发现早期妊娠高血压综合征(妊高征)、降低孕晚期重度妊高征的发生率及严重并发症的发生率.方法: 调查与妊高征有关的高危因素; 监测孕中期平均动
建立了一个微机控制的 LD 特性测量系统。本文重点介绍了系统设计、各部件的功能和有关软件,并且给出了若干实验结果。实验表明,微机测试技术比原有的测试技术好得多,在半导