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我们军队成长壮大的历史中,有众多星徽闪耀、战功赫赫的名将,他们拯国家于危亡,救人民于水火,在历史上写下了光辉的一页,更有无数籍籍无名、默默无闻的士兵,也在关键时刻扭转了战局,改写了历史,书写了人生的辉煌。拿破仑说,不想当将军的士兵不是好士兵。但有人说我宁愿成为将军手中的一柄利剑,就想当个好兵。对于当兵的人来说,成为一名好兵就是一种荣耀,一个响当当的称号。当兵不是每个人都有的机会,也不是每个人都会有军旅 In the history of the growth and expansion of our army, there are many famous stars who shine brightly and have great exploits. They have saved the country from danger and saved the people from suffering. The history has written a glorious page, and there are countless unknown and unknown people Soldiers, but also at a crucial moment reversed the war situation, rewrite history, writing the glory of life. Napoleon said soldiers who do not want to be generals are not good soldiers. However, some people say that I would rather become a sword in the hands of the generals and would like to be a good soldier. For a soldier, becoming a good soldier is an honor and a big title. Being a soldier is not a chance for everyone, nor is it that everyone has a military brigade
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Author combined G.Gombawith his work,put his life experiences and the changes of his personal view issues together,and divided his Subject Matters of creative n
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不管走到哪里,不论岁月如何沧桑,我的生命和本性都会溶化在这里,化作一道道山梁,一条条河水…… No matter where you go, no matter how vicissitudes of years go, my lif
1 .对宽容原则的解释在戴维森富有影响的理论框架中 ,宽容原则认为 ,当我们解释他人或另类的时候 ,我们必须坚持这样的前提 :他们是理性的存在 ,他们与我们谈论和生活在同样
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