外经贸部调整进出口经营资格政策 鼓励生产企业参与国际竞争

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外经贸部近期对公有制或公有制控股的生产企业(以下简称生产企业)的进出口经营资格政策进行了调整。其中包括:(1)取消限制生产企业进入外贸流通领域的有关规定,允许生产企业出资控股的流通公司申请进出口经营权;同时,按照外贸流通公司的资格标准,允许符合条件的生产企业在同等条件下申请进出口经营权。(2)为鼓励出口规模较大的生产企业的发展,进一步扩大生产企业所成立的进出口公司的进出口经营范围。生产企业成立的进出口公司,凡达到条件的,其进出口经营范围由原来的“经营相关或同类商品的出口业务”扩大至与外贸流通公司相 The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation recently adjusted the import and export business qualification policies of publicly-owned or public-owned production enterprises (hereinafter referred to as production enterprises). These include: (1) Repeal the relevant regulations that restrict the entry of production enterprises into the foreign trade circulation field; allow the production companies to invest in the controlling circulation companies to apply for the right to import and export; at the same time, in accordance with the qualification standards of foreign trade circulation companies, allow qualified production enterprises to be equal. Under the conditions of application for import and export operation rights. (2) To encourage the development of large-scale production enterprises, further expand the import and export business scope of the import and export companies established by the production enterprises. The import and export companies established by the production enterprises, where the conditions are met, have expanded their import/export business scope from the original “export business of related or similar products” to the foreign trade distribution companies.
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