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单跨单层框架是框架体系中常用的一种,特别在工业建筑中应用最为普遍。这种结构的内力计算,目前有直接计算公式。但这些公式均对一种荷载作用而言,且系数较多,具体应用很不方便。本文通过简单推证,求出这类框架在任意垂直荷载作用下内力计算统一公式,并将公式中有关系数制成表格,供工程中直接查用。 1.在任意垂直荷载作用时内力公式推证推证应用弯矩分配法并按节点有线位移进行。图1(a)是结构计算简图,图1(b)是弯矩分配过程。根据迭加原理,由图1(b)得: Single-span single-layer frames are commonly used in the framework system, especially in industrial buildings. There are currently direct calculation formulas for the internal force calculation of this structure. However, these formulae all have a large number of coefficients for a kind of load action, and the specific application is inconvenient. In this paper, a simple formula is used to determine the unified formula for calculating the internal force of any such frame under any vertical load, and the relevant coefficients in the formula are tabulated for direct use in the project. 1. In the application of any vertical load, the internal force formula is used to deduce the application of the bending moment distribution method and the wire displacement according to the node. Figure 1 (a) is a simplified structural calculation and Figure 1 (b) is a bending moment distribution process. According to the principle of superposition, from Figure 1(b):
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本文译自美国北卡罗纳州大学paul V.Nelson教授于1978年编著的“Greenhouse Op-eration and Management”一书中的有关章节—Greenhouse Cooling。主要介绍温室水蒸发降温系
农村地区常有用地窖储藏农作物的习惯(如图)。由于植物的呼吸,地窖内会不断地积蓄 CO_2气体,浓度过高时将威胁到人的安全。为试探 CO_2 Rural areas often have a habit of
1.在卡塔尔首都多哈举行的第十五届亚运会,举行了隆重的火炬传递仪式。火炬燃烧的主要物质是丁烷(C_4H_(10)),下列对丁烷的说法中不正确 1. The 15th Asian Games held in