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近年来,战区国防动员以新的使命任务为牵引,坚持平战结合、军民融合发展,遂行多样化军事任务能力不断提高,在近几场重大军事斗争中得到了锻炼,经受住了考验。为展示战区国防动员应急应战能力建设成果,总结军民融合发展基本经验,军区司令部动员部、军区政治部办公室在本期开设专题对战区国防动员应急专业力量建设进行集中报道。旨在进一步强化各级认清面临的形势和任务,进一步认清在国防动员建设中肩负的责任,积极适应西南地区边疆安全、社会稳定、经济发展需要,不断推进战区国防动员建设又好又快发展。 In recent years, the national defense mobilization in the theater has been guided by a new mission and tasks. Its insistence on combining peacetime with wartime and integration between civilians and civilians has continuously improved its ability to carry out diversified military tasks and has been tested in recent major military struggles. In order to showcase the results of the national defense mobilization and emergency response capability construction in the theater and sum up the basic experience of military and civilian integration and development, the Mobilization Department of the Military Command Command and the Office of the Political Department of the Military Region set a special topic in this issue to focus on the special forces for national defense mobilization and emergency response in the theater. Aiming at further strengthening the understanding of the situation and tasks confronting all levels, further recognizing the responsibilities shouldered in the mobilization of national defense and actively adapting to the needs of security, social stability and economic development in the border areas of the southwest region and constantly pushing forward the national defense mobilization campaign in the theater of war with soundness and speediness development of.
以资源的分配和使用为核心的军事资源配置问题,本质上是一道战略命题,与政治、军事、经济、科技等因素密切相关。军事资源配置过程必须更多地从战略层面统筹规划。 The iss
A few years ago, just before she graduated as a journalism major(新闻专业学生) from Peking University (北京大学) , Liu Xuan (刘璇) A few years ago, just before
历史将永远铭记这一刻:2010年4月14日7时49分,青海玉树发生7.1级地震。历史将永远铭记他们:在地震废墟里舍生忘死抢救生命的救援人员。历史也将永远铭记他们: History will
ice cream:凡荣登“翻译优胜榜”者,均可获得一份好礼!所以请参与者务必写清真实姓名、详细地址和邮政编码。 Ice cream: Everyone who wins the “Translation Leaderboard