Glomus tumor of the gastric body:helical CT findings

来源 :Chinese Medical Journal | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:MWinnie
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Glomus tumors,also known as glomangiomas,arerare and originate in the neuromyoarterial glomus,anormal arteriovenous shunt which is abundantly suppliedwith nerve fibers and fulfills a temperature-regulatingfunction.The classic location of glomus tumor is thesubungual region,but the tumor can occur elsewhere inthe skin,soft tissues,nerves,stomach,nasal cavity,andtrachea.In the gastrointestinal(GI)tract the tumoroccurs more often in the stomach than other parts,andtypically occurs as a solitary submucosal nodule in theantrum.We reported a case of glomus tumor originatingfrom the greater curvature of stomach which was studiedwith contrast-enhanced helical computed tomography(CT)and described the characteristic helical CT findingsof the rare lesion. Glomus tumors, also known as glomangiomas, arerare and originate in the neuromyoarterial glomus, anormal arteriovenous shunt which is abundantly supplied with nerve fibers and fulfills a temperature-regulatingfunction.The classic location of glomus tumor is theubulin region, but the tumor can occur elsewhere inthe skin , soft tissues, nerves, stomach, nasal cavity, and trachea. the gastrointestinal (GI) tract the tumoroccurs more often in the stomach than other parts, andtypically occurs as a solitary submucosal nodule in theantrum. We reported a case of glomus tumor originating from the greater curvature of stomach which was studied with contrast-enhanced helical computed tomography (CT) and described the characteristic helical CT findings of the rare lesion.
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乙型肝炎病毒C基因点突变多发生在密码84-101区段,尤以密码97变异为亮氨酸(L97)最常见,可能与感染长期持续和病变加重密切相关,但序列分析技术难以进行较大数量的临床研究。我们建立了一种限制片段长度多态性技术,将聚合酶链反应扩增的该区段293bp,以Dde I限制酶切后电泳,可出现126和167bp带,结果与序列分析对照完全符合,因而可用作C基因点突变的一种临床筛检方法。