The growing African MICE market: opportunities,trends,and challenges

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  Reporter: This is the first time that the UFI Congress has come to Africa. What are your expectations with regards to the conference?
  EXSA: I think firstly, that this is a reflection of the rising attention for the African market from the international exhibition industry. Convention and exhibition enterprises around the world can enter other markets in the African continent such as Kenya and Nigeria, through the gateway of South Africa. In the meantime, South Africa can use the opportunity of this year’s meeting to display the information of the whole African exhibition market. In participating in the congress, the organisers can also have firsthand experience of the local MICE business environment.
  Reporter: The quality of exhibitions in South Africa has drawn the attention of many Chinese exhibitors. What are your tips for Chinese exhibitors?
  EXSA: I suggest that they should start with breaking the language barrier, for example, they could look at hiring local professionals as interpreters. The second important aspect is the difference that lies between the modes of thinking - South Africa has a very different culture and way of doing business than that of China. Chinese companies make decisions very quickly, while in Africa, people do things at a slower pace. Before signing contracts, South Africans would take time to reflect and review.
  I suggest that Chinese exhibitors come to South Africa to enhance the efficiency of entering the local market through local agents.
  Thirdly, Africa’s resources are limited which impacts on elements such as the latest in product availability, including electronic and other technology products. At the same time, if there is no corresponding innovative content to work with from the exhibitors from China in respect of the latest technological product offerings, suppliers will carefully consider whether high-technology products are worthy of procuring.
  In addition, exhibitors should plan well ahead of schedule and prepare their relevant travel documents. If possible, exhibitors should find reliable local partners to work with, partners that are familiar with the local situation and protocol in order to provide accurate relevant information which will avoid last-minute incidents such as exhibits that are held in customs, or that are not permitted to be brought into the venue.
  Reporter: Have you noted any differences over time, regarding Chinese exhibitors participating in local exhibitions?   EXSA: A major notable change is that eight or nine years ago, exhibiting Chinese manufacturers would arrive for the set up and the exhibition duration and then return to China immediately after the close of the exhibition. Now, however, they will select sightseeing, tourist activities, shopping and even market research, post exhibition.
  Reporter: Do you find that the local exhibition venue facilities are sufficient for local exhibitions and events?
  EXSA: I don’t think that we have enough facilities. The Africa exhibition market is growing rapidly and organisers from all over the world are coming to South Africa. The local exhibition season is from February to mid-November when our venues in Africa are very busy. Well-known exhibitions include Automechanika, ElectraMining, Africa Aerospace & Defence and Bauma ConExpo. Some exhibitions are expanding, but due to the limited size of some of the venues, there are exhibitions that have to be relocated to other facilities when there is no availability of the required larger exhibition halls. More investment is needed nationally and regionally in the venue industry sector. Some of the available existing exhibition facilities require refurbishment and improvement, including overall transportation facilities, surrounding hotels and other supporting facilities.
  In some developed markets around the world, many venues have their own niche markets. Some focus on major consumer exhibitions, others mainly industrial exhibitions. Competition is healthy for the development of the venue industry.
  Reporter: What do you think are the developing trends of the global exhibition industry in the future?
  EXSA: Firstly, the personal experience that MICE events offer and in light of this, we need to make people feel unique and welcome, so that they want to come back, visit and do business in South Africa. Secondly, data analysis on events – the quality of participants and attendees is becoming more important and critical for organising a good trade fair. Meanwhile, social media has huge influence and MICE players need to pay attention to the effect of social media channels. Innovation, entertainment and interactivity are all key components of an impactful and memorable customer centric experience.
Reporter: AAXO represents 8 0 % of t he ex h ibit ion organising community in South Africa. Please introduce the development of local exhibition industry and your suggestions for exhibitors.  Weaving:
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编者按:作为印度尼西亚最大的会展中心,印度尼西亚会展中心设施齐全,并且在国际标准和可持续发展方面走在区域前列。  记者:请简单介绍一下印度尼西亚会展中心(ICE)的设施。  ICE是印度尼西亚最大的会展中心。占地22公顷,有10个无柱展厅,展览总面积为50000平方米,以及33间不同规模的会议室,和一个4000平方米的会议厅。另外我们也有一个40000平方米的“游乐场”。会展中心交通便利,服务优良
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由中国化工信息中心(CNCIC)和MINH VI Exhibition & Advertisement Service Co.,Ltd展览公司(VEAS)共同主办的第五届越南涂料、油墨及印刷工业展览会,作为在越南举办的涂料行业的专业展会,将于2018年6月13-15日在胡志明市西贡国际展览中心开幕。本届展会得到越南工业和贸易部以及越南涂料和油墨协会的大力支持,这有效扩大了展会的影响力,并将吸引更多
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Supported by a host of official organizations including the Macau SAR Government and organized by Nam Kwong (Group) Company Limited in partnership with several state-owned companies including China Na
Reporter: Could you share who are your clients and business scale currently?  Cronning: We currently work for a lot of the international organisersand an increasing amount of the local organisers base
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