
来源 :中国水土保持 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wang525659571
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烟台市地处胶东半岛,属低山丘陵区,辖4区7市1县,总人口达638万人.改革开放以来,烟台市的经济得到飞速发展,1996年全市国内生产总值达到681亿元,农民人均纯收入达2780元,职工平均工资达5603元.全市小康乡(镇)、小康村分别达到89.2%和85%.随着经济的发展,烟台市水土保持监督执法工作在各级党委、政府的领导和上级业务部门的大力支持下,取得了新的突破.全市水保法规体系和水保监督执法体系已建立健全,在“三权”管理上,到1996年底,全市已审批水保方案2286份,征收水保“两费”813万元,查处水保违法案件191起,结案率100%,“一方治理,多方破坏”的严重局面开始扭转.水保监督执法工作的不断深入,也促进了治理工作,到1996年底,全市治理水土流失面积4721km~2,占全市水土流失面积的54.1%.1997年,在全国第六次水土保持工作会议上, Yantai is located in the Jiaodong Peninsula, a hilly area, administer 4 districts and 7 cities and 1 counties, the total population of 6380000. Since the reform and opening up, Yantai’s economy has been rapid development in 1996, the city’s GDP reached 68.1 billion Yuan per capita net income of farmers reached 2780 yuan, the average wage of workers reached 5603. The well-off township (town), well-off village, respectively 89.2% and 85% .With the economic development, Yantai Soil and Water Conservation Supervision and Law Enforcement at all levels The party committee and government leaders and the strong support of the superior business units made new breakthroughs in the city’s water and soil conservation laws and regulations and the law enforcement system has established a sound monitoring in the “three powers” management, by the end of 1996, the city has been approved 2286 water conservation programs and 8,130,000 yuan of “two fees” were collected for water and soil conservation. 191 cases of water and soil conservation violations were investigated and dealt with, and the seriousness of “one party governing and multiple parties destroying” began to be reversed. In depth, but also to promote the governance of the work, by the end of 1996, the city’s water and soil erosion control area of ​​4721km ~ 2, accounting for 54.1% of the city’s soil erosion area.In 1997, at the sixth national soil and water conservation conference,
是的,我们心中的那个天使,始终在半空里,微笑俯视着我们,从来,都没有将我们放弃。    1    当我站在门口的走廊上,一眼瞥见被老师厌烦地推出邻班教室的丁小美时,我就知道,在这个小城里。我以后不会孤单了。  下课后,丁小美不等老师说完让她写检讨的警告,便飞奔过来,厚着脸皮将我抱住,说,嘿,安西西,你的站功比我厉害多啦,你瞧,我小腿都肿了呢。我低头看着她漂亮的小腿上故意掐红的一片,忍不住捏捏她不怎
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