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七月中旬,中共广东省委常委举行扩大会议,研究“反腐保廉、依法治省”问题。与会同志就如何推进依法治省工作展开了认真研究和探讨,并对《中共广东省委关于进一步加强依法治省工作的决定》(讨论稿)提出修改意见。与会同志认为,要搞好依法治省,必须做好“四个提高,一个发挥”的工作。 In mid-July, the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial CPC Committee held an enlarged meeting to study the issue of “fighting corruption, protecting the integrity and administering the province according to law.” The comrades at the meeting launched a careful study and discussion on how to promote the work of administering the province according to law and proposed amendments to the “Decision of the Guangdong Provincial CPC Committee on Further Strengthening the Work of Governing the Province According to Law” (discussion paper). The participating commanders believed that if we want to do a good job in governing the province according to law, we must do a good job in “four improvements and one development.”
Sodium metal with strong reducibility is used to manufacture tetraethyl lead-an antiknock agent used in gasoline. After the use of leaded gasoline wasbanned, s
是的,我们心中的那个天使,始终在半空里,微笑俯视着我们,从来,都没有将我们放弃。    1    当我站在门口的走廊上,一眼瞥见被老师厌烦地推出邻班教室的丁小美时,我就知道,在这个小城里。我以后不会孤单了。  下课后,丁小美不等老师说完让她写检讨的警告,便飞奔过来,厚着脸皮将我抱住,说,嘿,安西西,你的站功比我厉害多啦,你瞧,我小腿都肿了呢。我低头看着她漂亮的小腿上故意掐红的一片,忍不住捏捏她不怎
【正】 GCL-Poly Energy Holdings Limited (HK:3800), a leading integrated green energy en-terprise in China, announced on July 31 stthat it has completed the acqu
PVC (polyvinyl chloride) futures enteredDalian Commodity Exchange on May 25th,2009. Many PVC producers are already activelyinvolved today. They plan to compens