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母语和外语的相同之处会对外语学习起正迁移作用。相反,母语和外语的相异之处则对外语学习产生负迁移作用。这种负迁移作用主要表现在两个方面:一是对语言结构本身的干扰,在有意或无意间,按照母语的方式来谴词造句,形成无效句或错句;二是对语用规则的干扰,依照母语的文化习俗用外语来表达自己的思想,造成语言使用的不得体。外语学习只有在这两方面克服母语的负迁移,尤其注意东西方文化的差异,才能进入外语应用的自由王国。 Similarities between mother tongue and foreign language play a positive role in foreign language learning. On the contrary, the differences between mother tongue and foreign language have a negative impact on foreign language learning. This negative transfer mainly in two aspects: First, the interference of the language structure itself, inadvertently, in accordance with the mother tongue to condemn sentences, the formation of invalid or wrong sentences; Second, the pragmatic rules Interference, in accordance with the cultural practices of native language in foreign language to express their thoughts, resulting in language use inappropriate. Foreign language learning can overcome the negative transfer of mother tongue only in these two aspects, paying particular attention to the differences between eastern and western cultures before entering the free kingdom of foreign language application.
根据软基地质条件差、填土不高、工期紧的特点,选用预制管桩刚性复合地基处理方案。并详细介绍其设计、施工、处理效果等应用情况。 According to the soft foundation geol
我国现行《公路沥青混凝土路面施工技术规范》(JTG F 40-2004)给出了很宽的沥青混合料级配范围,对于特定工程,需要根据公路等级、气候和交通条件、原材料特性确定工程设计级
通过对西北黄土地区地基承载力及其主要影响因素分布规律的研究,进行了黄土地区地基承载力的分区,确定了黄土地基处理的原则和选取方法。在此基础上,建立了基于G IS的黄土地
Triangular mesh is often used to describe geometric object as computed model in digital manufacture, thus the mesh model with both uniform triangular shape and