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  Human understanding of the physical world has gone through a lengthy development process. In 450 BC, the Greek philosopher Democritus believed that everything in the universe was made up of a tiny and indivisible substance. Philosophers in ancient China thought that the world was composed of five elements: gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. In modern times, protons, neutrons and quarks have subsequently been found.
  By the 1930s, according to classical physics, matter is composed of molecules and atoms which are smaller than molecules. Molecules are the smallest units of matter in terms of existence, stability and chemical properties; atoms are the basic indivisible particles in chemical reactions.
  But in 1932, the Soviet physicist Dimitri Ivanenko proposed his “proton-neutron theory”. Scientists proved that an atom consists of a positively charged nucleus (made up of protons and neutrons) and negatively charged electrons revolving around it at high speed. In 1964, American physicist Murray Gell-Mann put forward a new theory, which held that protons and neutrons are not the smallest particles, since they are made up of quarks. After several decades of research, although the existence of quarks has been confirmed by experiments, no single quark has so far yet been isolated. Scientists thus believe that quarks are fleeting and exist only under certain stable and confining conditions.
  On the theoretical front, in the 17th century classical physics, based on Newtonian mechanics, put forward the theory of the “conservation of matter” or “entity invariance”, regarding matter as an entity which remains constant under any mechanical movement and chemical reaction. However, in the 20th century, Einstein pointed out the fallacy of this theory in his Relativity, relating mass to speed since the quality of the same matter varies with different reference systems. For example, when an object moves close to the speed of light, it is increasingly hard to speed up despite more energy being infused. Why is that? The energy, rather than disappearing, is instead transformed into mass. Also, it has been proved that mass can be transformed into immense energy through nuclear fission in the chain reaction of an atomic bomb.   到了20世纪后期,物理学界又出现了“弦理论”,认为自然界物质的基本单元不是电子、光子、中微子或夸克之类的粒子,而是无数微小弦的闭合圈;正是因为它们的不同振动和运动,产生出了各种不同的基本粒子。换言之,无论宏观世界(星际银河)或微观世界(基本粒子),都是由“能量弦”组成的。
  By the late 20th century, “string theory” had emerged in the field of physics, believing that the basic units in the physical world are not particles such as electrons, photons, neutrinos, or quarks, but numerous tiny closed loop strings, whose vibrations and movements produce various basic particles. In other words, both the macroscopic world (e.g. the Milky Way galaxy) and microscopic world (e.g. fundamental particles) are made up of “energy strings”.
  All this is about “visible matter”. According to scientific research, however, the knowledge humanity has so far acquired covers only a tiny part of the universe. Visible matter detectable by humans, for example, accounts for just 5%, the rest (dark matter) making up 95% of the cosmos, which, neither emitting nor absorbing any light or other electromagnetic radiation at any significant level and inferred only from its gravitational effects on visible matter, still remains almost unknown to humans. Therefore, our journey to identify and understand the physical world has in fact only just begun.
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