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  译文:This path takes economic development as the central task, and brings along economic, political, cultural, social, ecological and other forms of progress.
  译文:The path of Chinese socialism is the only way to achieve China’s so-cialist modernization and create a better life.
  中文语境下,“中国特色社会主义”的重复类似排比,表示强调,但在以简洁为要的英语中,如果翻译第二句时固执重复,英语读者的阅读体验必大打折扣,所以,译者以This path一笔带过,而英文读者因为语境的缘故自然明白其回指何词。
  He paid special attention to the marine economy. In December 2002 he put forward the objective of building Zhejiang into a province with a strong marine economy, and followed up his general proposal with specific plans and measures to realize this objective. The marine economy in Zhejiang has since developed quickly, with an annual growth of 19.3%. By 2005 it accounted for nearly 8% of the GDP of Zhejiang.
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Presidents’ Day, like most American holidays, is a celebration of shopping. But unlike holidays such as Christmas or Thanksgiving, where the commercial spirit is a corruption of the holiday’s true pur
“《英语世界》杯”翻译大赛肇始于2010年,由商务印书馆《英语世界》杂志社主办。短短数载,大赛参赛人数屡创新高,目前已经成为国内最有影响的翻译赛事之一。为推动翻译学科进一步发展,促进中外文化交流,我们秉承“给力英语学习,探寻翻译之星”的理念,于2021年继续举办第十二届“《英语世界》杯”翻译大赛,诚邀广大翻译爱好者积极参与,比秀佳译。  第十二届“《英语世界》杯”翻译大赛得到北京师范大学的大力支持
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As we become increasingly dependent on technology in our daily lives we open ourselves up to an entirely new kind of threat, cyberattacks.  When we started thinking about cybersecurity and where it’s
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