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  For all its apparent looseness, this painting Spring Bouquet has a precise structure. The flowers spill over into the lower left-hand corner in joyous profusion, with an asymmetry as free and as wild as nature. But at once the artist proceeds to counter this unbalance. To the right of the vase, Renoir has developed a heavy shadow area, rich in purples, shaggy in contour, and sharply contrasted with the pool of light below it. Especially important is the placing of the ruler-straight lines in the lower right side of the canvas. In the setup from which Renoir painted there was perhaps no such line as the diagonal which breaks into a zigzag in the extreme corner; yet something of the kind is patently necessary. If the reader will cover this diagonal, he will see that the composition becomes lopsided.
   This leads to an awareness of the basic structure. The composition is held in two triangles: a lower one with its apex at the rim of the bowl under the flowers; and the other with its apex at the top of the bouquet.
   The Impressionist technique had not yet evolved when Renoir painted this picture. The brushing here is bold, the pigment fat and rich, suggesting the influence of Gustave Courbet.
   Yet the canvas glows with light and color, indicating that Impressionism is just around the corner; there is something of that school in the feeling of the out-of-doors that Renoir has captured in this canvas. The texture of the flowers is marvelously rendered, and one is tempted to say that the very perfume of the flowers is there, too.
   The silvery blue tonality is enlivened by accents of black; the lovely sprinkling of yellow starlike blossoms is sheer delight.
  Renoir bio
   Pierre-Auguste Renoir was born in 1841. He began working as a young painter of porcelain and textiles. At age 21, Renoir entered the ?cole des Beaux-Arts in Paris and went on to study under the instructions of painter Charles Gleyre’s, where he met and befriended Claude Monet, Alfred Sisley, and Frederic Bazille.
   Along with these painters, Renoir is considered one of the most important artists of Impressionism. And even though his paintings had been initially rejected by the Academy and the public, similarly as those of his friends, with time he became one of the most admired artists of his generation. Even the French government bought one of his works.
   Renoir portrayed mainly landscapes and people. Vibrant colors and seemingly insignificant daily moments are a trademark of his work.    Unfortunately, in 1899, he was afflicted with rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease that causes a lot of pain and inflammation in the joints. In addition, the person affected by it may also have deformities. In the case of the painter his hands were deformed. Consequently, his movements became very restricted and each movement was a big and certainly painful effort.
   His son, Jean Renoir, recounts in the book Renoir, My Father, the reaction of the people to the painting of the father, after seeing his hands:
  Visitors who were unprepared for this could not take their eyes off his deformity. Though they did not dare to mention it, their reaction would be expressed by some such phrase as “It isn’t possible! With hands like that, how can he paint those pictures? There’s some mystery somewhere.”
   He continued painting until his death in 1919. How possibly could he have painted so much and make anything look so beautiful if even moving his wrists was such a painful task for him? Perhaps we find an answer in his own words, as he once said: “Pain passes, but beauty remains.”
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