Proteomics of the differential protein expressions in human glioma cell line U251 cells infected wit

来源 :Journal of Microbiology and Immunology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:blueblacktzb
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The proteomics of the differential protein expressions in human glioma cell line U251 cells infected with human cytomegalovirus(HCMV)was investigated at the protein level by using the surface enhanced laser desorption/ionization(SELDI)protein chip system in order to develop a method of study for the pathogenesis of HCMV infection.In this study,the cultured U251 cells were infected with HC- MV in good condition and the supernatants of lysates and the extracellular fluids of the cultivated infect- ed cells were quantitatively defined for the expressed proteins.The proteomics of the differential protein expression in cells before and after infection was analyzed by WCX2 arrays on the protein chip reader. It was demonstrated that the cytopathic effects of infected cells appeared on the 5th day after infection, however,the differential protein expression was evident at 6 h after infection as revealed by RT-PCR and mass spectrometry.The protein peaks captured from different batches of samples,from the same sample detected with different arrays or for the different limes were all equivalent.With the molecular weight range from 2000 Da to 3000 Da,chip captured 82 peaks from the intracellular fluids and 11 protein peak from the cellular fluid in which compared with the control group,the protein peaks with molecular weight of 13 536.3 Da,10 046.1 Da and 17 106.2 Da were close to those ofβ-amyloid pro- tein,caspase-1 precursor and LPS-induced TNF-αfactor respectively,which showed brief up-regulation 4 h after infection,and continued to raise 48 h later.These results infer that these proteins may be re- lated to the apoptosis induced by HCMV infection,thus suggesting that the apeptosis induced by HC- MV infection may play a role in the pathogenesis of HCMV infection. The proteomics of the differential protein expressions in human glioma cell line U251 cells infected with human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) was investigated at the protein level by using the surface enhanced laser desorption / ionization (SELDI) protein chip system in order to develop a method of study for the pathogenesis of HCMV infection. In this study, the cultured U251 cells were infected with HC-MV in good condition and the supernatants of lysates and the extracellular fluids of the cultivated infect- ed cells were quantitatively defined for the expressed proteins. The proteomics of the differential protein expression in cells before and after infection was analyzed by WCX2 arrays on the protein chip reader. It was demonstrated that the cytopathic effects of infected cells had the 5th day after infection, however, the differential protein expression was evident at 6 h after infection as revealed by RT-PCR and mass spectrometry. The protein peaks captured from different batches of sample s, from the same sample detected with different arrays or for the different limes were all equivalent. With the molecular weight range from 2000 Da to 3000 Da, chip captured 82 peaks from the cellular fluid and 11 protein peak from the cellular fluid in which compared with the control group, the protein peaks with molecular weight of 13 536.3 Da, 10 046.1 Da and 17 106.2 Da were close to those of β-amyloid pro- tein, caspase-1 precursor and LPS-induced TNF-α factor respectively, which showed brief up-regulation 4 h after infection, and continued to raise 48 h later.These results infer that these proteins may be re- lated to the apoptosis induced by HCMV infection, thus suggesting that the apeptosis induced by HC-MV infection may play a role in the pathogenesis of HCMV infection.
上世纪“五四”之后,自由恋爱作为一种西方意识形态在中国成为时尚,新世纪的都市男女由于交际圈的狭隘封闭,相亲成为复古潮流,只不过模式传统单一,尚未与时俱进,不知下列国外的相亲方式何时再“西风东渐”。    欧美:“智慧相亲”大行其道  “智慧相亲”的新风潮正在悄悄席卷美国东北部的一些中心城市。年轻人舍弃了聚餐和无聊电影,转而夜游博物馆,参加由鸡尾酒开场的辩论会和有饮料供应、有业余乐队伴奏的读书会。在
小时候的舒琦,体质瘦弱,到了初中,同学们个个都长得修长挺拔,舒琦却还像个长不大的孩子。于是,大家都嘲笑舒琦是只笨鸭子。因为这,同学们都笑话舒琦,疏远舒琦。  舒琦想去踢足球,同学对他说,你还是走开吧,小心我们把你踢飞了。  舒琦去打篮球,同学又对他说,你还是离我们远点,不然小心把你撞散架了。  舒琦去打羽毛球,同学笑他,说,你跳起来也没球网高。  舒琦改打乒乓球,同学又笑他,我们不跟小孩打,赢了你
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