李毅中:两化深度融合 推动中国制造

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从国情出发,借鉴国际经验,大力推进信息化和工业化深度融合(一)推进“两化”深度融合始终是走新型工业化道路、建设现代化强国的战略任务信息化的任务可以具体化为四方面来理解:信息产业创新发展,加强信息基础建设;推进工业化与信息化深度融合;发展经济社会各领域信息化;扩大信息消费。推进信息化与工业化融合是党的十六大以来一以贯之的战略方针。十六大首次提出新型工业化道路,并指出“信息化是我国加 Starting from the national conditions and drawing on international experience, we should vigorously promote the in-depth integration of informatization and industrialization (1) To promote the in-depth integration of ”two cultures“. It has always been to take a new road to industrialization and to build a powerful modern country. The task of informatization of strategic tasks can be embodied in four Aspects: to innovate and develop the information industry, strengthen the information infrastructure, promote the deep integration of industrialization and informationization, develop the informationization in all fields of economy and society, and expand the consumption of information. The integration of informatization and industrialization is a consistent strategic guideline since the 16th CPC National Congress. For the first time, the 16th CPC National Congress put forward a new road to industrialization and pointed out that ”informatization is our country’s growth."
那年我16岁,体重39公斤。路易斯安那州拉斐特市6月的天气格外闷热。我父亲想让我在暑假找份活儿干。他的一位朋友是建筑商,于是我就成了这位建筑商手下工人的帮手,报酬是每小时75美分。  我一点儿也不想工作。我想和朋友们驱车兜风或者与他们一起站在超市门口谈笑、搜寻女孩子。但是我不能违背父亲的旨意。父亲肩宽背阔,脸色红润,我不敢惹他生气,不敢看他因生气而瞪圆的蓝眼睛和逐渐变红的脸孔。  父亲在家里通常很
The genetic stability and expression efficiency of exogenous genes in transgenic animals are closely related to integration site and copy number. In our laborat
这个雨天   让大地在落叶的覆盖下   悄然睡去   但我依然不想让   寒冷凋枯了那份渴念   希望那雨后彩虹   化作飞舞的彩蝶   让所有温暖快慰的日子   都重回到我的怀里     然而   它终究是幻影   最终又是我的无奈   掩盖了这个世界的诺言   那一汪汪深深的雨水   犹如一块块碎片   割伤了天空割伤了我   但我依然等候   等候那雨后的阳光   给我带来自信与快乐    
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