The integration characteristics of the exogenous growth hormone gene in a transgenic common carp(Cyp

来源 :Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:changaty
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The genetic stability and expression efficiency of exogenous genes in transgenic animals are closely related to integration site and copy number. In our laboratory, by transgenic manipulation and subsequent test crosses, we established an ‘‘all-fish’’ growth hormone(GH)transgenic common carp family that exhibits fast growth.In this present study, genome walking, real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction, and fluorescence in situ hybridization techniques were applied to identify the integration characteristics of the exogenous grass carp GH gene in the transgenic common carp. The exogenous GH genes, in the form of two complete and one incomplete tandem repeats, were found to have integrated into an ATrich region near the end of a chromosome pair. We hypothesize that the high efficiency of exogenous GH gene expression might be due to the low copy number in the genome and the AT-rich integration site. The genetic stability and expression efficiency of exogenous genes in transgenic animals are closely related to integration sites and copy number. In our laboratory, by transgenic manipulation and subsequent test crosses, we established an “all-fish” ’growth hormone (GH) transgenic common carp family that exhibits fast growth.In. this present study, genome walking, real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction, and fluorescence in situ hybridization techniques were applied to identify the integration characteristics of the exogenous grass carp GH gene in the transgenic common carp. The exogenous GH genes, in the form of two complete and one incomplete tandem repeats, were found to have integrated into an ATrich region near the end of a chromosome pair. We hypothesize that the high efficiency of exogenous GH gene expression might be due to the low copy number in the genome and the AT-rich integration site.
蝉鸣,树影,白云,夏天,钢琴声响,棒球手套,骑车上学时的凉风,傍晚放学后的夕阳,图书馆书架间微微的凉意,篮球场里永无休止的喧嚣……时光日复一日奔涌不止,但和平时代的青春,却似乎永远都是这副模样。   因此那时候正青春的我们,也常常会产生这样的时光永不变的错觉——就像十七岁的真琴单纯地相信,她可以永远与青梅竹马的功介以及今年春天转学来的红毛猴子千昭一起玩抛接球游戏,可以永远都三个人在一起,可以永远是
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那年我16岁,体重39公斤。路易斯安那州拉斐特市6月的天气格外闷热。我父亲想让我在暑假找份活儿干。他的一位朋友是建筑商,于是我就成了这位建筑商手下工人的帮手,报酬是每小时75美分。  我一点儿也不想工作。我想和朋友们驱车兜风或者与他们一起站在超市门口谈笑、搜寻女孩子。但是我不能违背父亲的旨意。父亲肩宽背阔,脸色红润,我不敢惹他生气,不敢看他因生气而瞪圆的蓝眼睛和逐渐变红的脸孔。  父亲在家里通常很