Research on the Issues Concerning the Remote Care in the Protection of the Elderly’s Rights

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  [a] Department of Economics and Business, Liaoning Shihua University, Fushun, China.
  [b] Research Department, Liaoning Shihua University, Fushun, China.
  [c] Department of International Communication & Cooperation, Liaoning Shihua University, Fushun, China.
  * Corresponding author.
  Supported by Chinese Liaoning Academy of social science fund project (L11DSH030) (L11BGL004) (L12DSH027) and the projects of economic and social development in Liaoning (2013LSLKTZIGLX-26). Received 3 August 2013; accepted 4 November 2013.
  The trend of aging population in our society requires more protection of the elderly’s rights, and the most important issue is the pension. Now, home empty-nesters increase rapidly, but traditional family support to the elderly remains the most important way. The modern use of remote care is a good way of taking care of the elderly to solute the difficult problem brought about by space and time interval. Of course, the remote care has shortage in some area, it needs to continually improve.
  Key words: Remote care; The elderly; Issues; Measures
  YU Zhe, WANG Ling, YU Ao (2013). Research on the Issues Concerning the Remote Care in the Protection of the Elderly’s Rights. International Business and Management, 7(2), 66-69. Available from: http://www. DOI:
  “People’s Republic of elderly Protection Act” article 10 and 11: “the elderly pension is mainly relay on family, family members should care and look after the elderly. Support person ought to be fulfilled the obligations of the elderly in economic support, life care and spiritual comfort, also taking care of the special needs of the elderly”.
  But since our country carry out the family planning policy, with the increasing of only child and the prolong of people’s average age, a “4-2-1” phenomenon emerged on the family structure, cut down the foundation of family pension irrevocably, leading to a constant increase of empty-nest elderly families. According to the 2000 fifth national census data show that the empty-nest elderly families take 36% of the total number of households. On the survey of national household marriage in 2003, in the city, the proportion of the adult children living separately from parents is up to 60%. More than 80-year-old empty nester family accounted for 17.95% of the total. At present, family pension has become the major supporting approach of elderly people, so it can not be changed radically, let the elderly people living at their familiar family and community environment is not only conform to our country’s traditional culture, but also a respect to theirs’ living habits they have formed in their family, meanwhile, it also can avoid the problems of resocialization and environmental alienation arose by the institution pension. So, in this case how to resolve the problem about the children look after the elderly people brought by space and time interval? This needs our family pension to transform from traditional mode to modern mode, realizing the informationize of care activities, IT to break the geographical and time constraints, improve the efficiency of care and enable the old people to spend their twilight years.   April 2009, Hangzhou City District, the first to explore and launched the “Global Eyes” initiatives about real-time remote care technology pension services, free to install the “Global Eyes” camera for the people of subsistence allowances, difficult for the elderly and severely disabled elderly aged over 80-year-old in the jurisdiction and presented with a GPS global positioning function also the “push to talk” call function CDMA handsets. The system connects the community service platform with the Hangzhou 96345 convenient service platform and realized the empty nester implement allweather remote nursing service. In our country, the remote nursing system has not been generally recognized by the whole society and the elderly, most of people are still holding the snipe at thinking to look at it with the direction and the trend of this new service for remote care. To this end, The author tries to analyze remote nursing’s role in the family and the pension problems faced currently, combined with China’s national conditions, drawing lessons from foreign legislative, summarizing practical experience, putting forward in the protection of remote care interests of the elderly conceived policies and regulations, in order to improve the protection system of the elderly rights in our country.
  (a) Improve the efficiency of nursing. Reduce the elderly burden back and forth between the medical institutions and pension institutions, can communicate with medical staffs anytime and anywhere. Convenient for medical staffs’ guardianship, make adjustment about the diet of the elderly and give proper instruction on sport methods of them. Reduce caregivers’ fatigue and bad feelings due to the long-term care.
  (b) It can eliminate care gap between regions. It is the network transmission technology makes the remote care come true, even in remote areas, remote island, isolated mountain villages and townships, once you in possession of the communications equipment such as the computer, television, telephone, small cameras, operate in accordance with the instruction of the nurse specialists can engaged in nursing work and accept the necessary care.
  (c) Cut down the cost of care. Though the elderly have come to the state of needing care, we should still keep their ability to continue to maintain an independent living. With the application of image, voice transmission technology, medical staff do not need to visit to the elderly home, old people do not have to commute in hospitals, clinics and pension institutions, they can accept rehabilitation training at home. This is not only the rational utilization of human resources, but also reduces the cost of care. Also as to the elderly lived at the island, desolated mountain village do not have to stay in large cities of endowment institutions, not only save the expensive transportation costs, also discharge the suffering of the tiring. In addition, greatly shortens the time needed for old people to hospital, pension institutions and the time of waiting for the treatment, reducing the time cost at the same time. The formation of the remote supervision system for care will bring a big success on economy on both care and be cared parties.   (d) Communicate in real-time and making the moving care possible. It is the communication equipment such as video, voice communication makes them communicate with the distant relatives, friends in real time. The use of the remote supervision system make the safety confirmation and their emergency notification of the elderly come true who visually disabled and go out for lost, also the realization of a person to go out with no problem easily and undoubtedly. To build up a healthy, self-reliance, no loneliness living environment for the elderly so that they can get in touch with families, friends, doctors and paramedics at any time.
  At present, some developed areas in China’s urban community have carried out a remote care, the advantages and prospect of remote supervision in our whole pension service system all around our country become increasingly prominent. But overall, it is still in the experimental stage at present, faced with many problems in practice.
  (a) The coverage of remote care is too small. At present, parts of remote supervision in our country have some of the more successful practices, but in terms of nationwide, still as the scattered or regional behavior, have not really set up a completely, efficient and sustainable development service system. Meanwhile, there are many constraints on the service object, such as the people who are more than 80-year-old subsistence allowances, hardship and severe disability and so on. These limitations, making the service object of great limitations, Social development, social division of labor so that different sectors of society needs and capabilities of older persons showing a variety of features which could cause such a situation: it may be of the highest or lowest class can enjoy services, the most percentage in the middle of the crowd but no good care, fairness is relatively lacking. That is to say, a remote covering the entire society of all elderly care service system has not been perfected yet.
  (b) The funding difficulties, it is necessary to reform the government input mechanism. Government investment insufficiency, the support is not enough, the unreasonable operation mechanism, bringing a certain gap with the elderly care needs. Promotion remote nursing, depend on the government entirely is unavailable, the government investment income is not high, the investment main body is unitary, whether the approach of the remote supervision system facilities arranged by the government’s is completely reasonable or not is still need discussion, develop state, the collective, social organizations and individuals, such as financing channels, in the form of a variety of development remote care services was not enough.   (c) The remote supervision system platform of the Internet range is not wide. At present, the distance of development and the social demand of remote care is still far, the participation enthusiasm of the social forces is limited. It lacks the more effective interconnection among medical institutions, pension institutions, district police station, fire brigade and the immediate family members of the elderly, resulting in a single service function; Small scale, weaken radiation and the small size of influence; Service is passive, lack of proactive planning, organization and evaluation of service activities; Did not form a pattern of industrialization, the entity development is not fast enough and wide enough. You also need to raise people’s awareness on respect, love and the sense of respect for the elderly, so as to mobilize the whole society to participate in the initiative.
  (d) The professional care services lack of human resources. Insufficient supply of human resources and reserves, service personnel professional level definition, qualification cognizance, social value identity issues are prominent. Workers engaged in remote care should not only understand gerontology, still need to have the various aspects of knowledge on psychology, medicine, health care, nutrition and kinematics and so on, possess certain professional moral standards also required at the same time. At present, the personnel engaged in remote care services vary in the degree of specialization; most people without the experience of professional training, no pension service nurse’s professional qualifications and operation qualification.
  (e) The remote supervision system service is unitary and exist the risk of privacy protection. Install cameras in the elderly home for an all-weather monitoring, to some extent, solve the difficulty of the elderly, reduce the burden of the family members to take care of the elderly, but old people also want to assume the risk of the leak of personal privacy. And privacy leak may cause unnecessary losses to the elderly in the aspect of personal and property. At the same time, the function of remote supervision system should not be limited in terms of “care” the elderly, the requirements of the elderly in the emotional communication and daily life communication should also be paid attention, to make it meet the needs of the psychological and self-realization. With the development of our economy, high level requirements can be satisfied is the key whether the elderly are happiness or not.    3. IMPROVE THE REMOTE CARE, PROTECTING THE LEGITIMATE RIGHTS AND INTERESTS OF THE ELDERLY NEED TO FORMULATE CORRESPONDING POLICIES, LEGAL NORMS
  Through remote care system to achieve no space time limits elderly care, not only can popularize new model of support for the elderly and the elderly can make a qualitative change in the lives, maintenance person can better fulfill its economic support, life care and spiritual solace obligations, better safeguard the legitimate interests of the elderly. However, after all, this new mode is still in trial stage, there are all sorts of problems need to be solved, which makes it necessary for us to use the corresponding policy, legal norms to promote its further development, more adapted to the needs of the society.
  3.1 To Develop Relevant Policy Measures of the Remote Supervision
  In terms of money, the government should formulate supporting policies, form a multi-channel input mechanism. There are both government subsidy and support, and investment in social capital and at the same time personal funds can also be as social insurance or commercial insurance in the form of funding into the care system range. With social capital and personal capital investment can both reduce the financial burden on the government and to break the current situation in the field of home endowment government monopoly and low efficiency, the introduction of competition, for the participation of folk non-profit organizations and forprofit organizations provide channels and institutional guarantee, realizing the professional and high level of the remote nursing. Simultaneously, the elderly can choose different service types according to their needs, each region can be based on the actual situation in the region design services program, providing pension services targeted for the elderly. The government should integrate home endowment service resources as soon as possible, including community health, culture and entertainment, sports fitness, life care, housekeeping service, information, service personnel, etc., to better serve the elderly. On the choice of financing way, the Japanese nursing insurance system provide: if the insurant enjoy the care insurance services, then I should pay 10% of the full cost, the remaining 90% shall be borne by the care insurance. Care insurance burden sources of these costs burden half is the premiums paid by the insured person, half is public expenditure. Public expenditure burdens in this part, the country is 25%, 12.5% prefectures all insurant pay of insurance premium, varying according to the insured. We can draw lessons from the practice of Japan, according to the specific situation to take an adjustment, special difficulties for a number of conditions, including the elderly increase financial subsidies, corporate donations through income tax relief incentives, etc. Here for part of fiscal is mainly used for assistance to low income earners and regional balance, individual to undertake part mainly is to strengthen service users’ responsibility consciousness, strengthen the rational consumption.   In terms of nursing object, ease restrictions gradually. Fully embodies the principle of on-demand supply, giving services to all the elderly who need remote care services. For different needs, different levels, different objects, providing different services. Given China’s economic development situation and prospects, uneven development between regions, social differentiation between rich and poor, as well as socio-cultural tradition, older persons should get the appropriate care services need to go through the review and identification of specific, based on Ageing service plan chosen by the establishment of specific services, time and cost limits. Older persons from application to actually get care services, through standardized procedures. Thus, from the system level specification service content and standards, which not only can help to save costs, but also to promote efficiency.
  3.2 Improve Remote Care Service System
  Systematic remote care services. According to the supply-demand principle of remote care services for older people in the psychological, physical, social status, income and other differences, as well as a variety of everyday problems deal with old age and unexpected need for capacity and other issues, improve remote care services system. Establishment of government, market, social(public) Trinity remote service systems, and medical institutions, pension institutions, the district police station, fire brigade, the elderly, and other immediate family members more effectively interconnected, so that various departments and service units to between coordinated jointly meet the needs of older persons, the establishment of multi- level, comprehensive remote care service system. Remote Care Services hierarchy, to meet basic needs, material needs and spiritual needs of living together, and gradually improve the quality of life of the elderly home care.
  Remote nursing service personnel to promote specialization. According to foreign experience, fulltime independent professional pension services workers is essential. Should gradually develop to adapt to the development needs of China’s aging society in social work and nursing care and other related professionals. And within the community with certain specialized social workers, family care physicians, psychologists, counselors, legal advisors, hospice workers and other related professionals to provide specialized remote for the elderly care services. Standardize remote nursing staff positions, and gradually develop service standards, and gradually build service personnel qualification system, the formation of professional services team. Standardize remote nursing staff positions, and gradually develop service standards, and gradually build service personnel qualification system, the formation of professional services team. The current community to laid-off workers in the post-based home care service personnel, psychological comfort, emergency relief and other professional skills training, after evaluation, competition, and in accordance with market principles, survival of the fittest, and gradually improve home care and level of service for the elderly to provide high quality, professional remote care services.   Institutionalized form remote care services. Develop site service system, volunteer service system, service monitoring system, service personnel post responsibility system, service personnel reward system, also provides service personnel in relation to the elderly privacy confidentiality obligations. Establish and improve government supervision mechanism, government leaders and the business sector coordination, absorb relevant departments set up a leading group home care, the establishment of monitoring mechanisms, home for the elderly to enjoy government subsidies for eligibility assessment, service information service object to accept feedback in a timely manner performance evaluation community service agencies, inspection and supervision work carried out remotely care services.
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与《婚姻与家庭》杂志结缘,是从身边同事纷纷向我借钱开始的。为何大家都找我借钱?不是因为我赚得多,而是只有我没结婚的对象,没买房的打算,因此有更多的存款。也是从这个时候开始,一种被同龄人抛却的焦虑时刻萦绕着我,直到偶然间看到小婚家刊登的文章,这种焦虑才得以缓释。  作为单身男性,我在小婚家的读者群体中应该属于较为另类的那种,但这不影响我从小婚家的文章中汲取营养。  我父母的思想是偏传统的,读书时对你
左图4个女孩,哪个女孩对你有意思?  答案是:4个都有。但针对男性的调研结果显示,图a和图b的“对你有意思”是识别度最高的,分别被77%和71%的男性評定为“对你有好感”。相对来说,他们认为图c“过于高兴”,而图d“太含糊”。实际上,图中几名女性都是志愿者,她们被要求自发或是接受指导地做出“对你有意思”的表情,用以研究男性对哪些表情线索敏感。该研究发现:一些非语言类信号的确能够准确预测一个女人对男
他洗菜,我煮粥,做失败的包子归他,女儿吃剩下的牛排归他,这个平日习惯饭来张口的男人,在小小的厨房里为我们娘俩撑起一方天地。  体验前情  公婆有事要回老家一阵子,我和老公多了一项任务,做早餐。我俩平时的早饭都在单位解决,所以只需要给女儿做就行了。想着婆婆临走时再三叮嘱外加担忧的眼神,我颇不以为然,小孩儿的早餐还不简单吗?我和老公商量,每人负责一周。  第一周,我买了一堆半成品,从切片面包、手抓饼、
采访对象  蔺秀云,北京师范大学心理学部教授,博士生导师,教育部青年长江学者,资深家庭治疗师,注册督导师。中国心理学会婚姻家庭心理与咨询心理专业委员会(筹)副主任委员兼秘书,中国社会心理学会婚姻家庭委员会常委兼副秘书长,中国教育学会学校教育心理学分会理事兼副秘书长,中国心理卫生协会咨询师委员会常委。主要研究方向:家庭与儿童心理健康、婚姻与家庭治疗、儿童发展心理病理学等。主持20项国家级、省部级课题
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