
来源 :芳草(小说月刊) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kinglovechina
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写手自画像:璧合子,八十年代后期生。超级懒猪一只,最喜爱吃和睡,毕生最大愿望:变成一只不愁吃不愁穿的无忧米虫。射手座,喜欢自由,崇尚自然,追求民主.不张扬,不高调,不轻狂,不阴谋,不乖巧,不爱哭,不合群,不安静,不勤快,最重要的是,不寂寞。一1998年,扒锅街最大的两棵榕树还在,郁郁葱葱的,爬满了知了,许飞就从知了声中甩着手飞奔进扒锅街,边跑边喊,陈胖子,你妈拿着锅铲来了,快躲起来!我一听,手上的多米诺骨牌抖了抖,差点把我三天的辛苦化 Writers self-portrait: Bi Piko, the late eighties students. A super lazy pig, the most like to eat and sleep, life’s greatest wish: to become a worry-free worry about wearing worms. Sagittarius, like freedom, advocate of nature, the pursuit of democracy .Not unobtrusive, not high profile, not frivolous, no intrigue, not well-behaved, do not love to cry, not gregarious, not quiet, not diligent, most importantly, not lonely. In 1998, the two largest banyan tree Grilled Pot Street is still, lush, covered with knowledge, and Xu Fei heard from the hands of the rushed into the platter pan Pan ran, shouting, Chen fat son, your mother With a spatula came, hiding! I heard, the hands of the dominoes shaking, almost three days of my hard work
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本文指出了现行高中化学课本中烃类部分存在的一些科学性方面欠妥,表述不够准确的问题,并提出了具体的修改建议。 This article points out that some of the existing scie
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