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历史的脚步,伴着纷飞的雪花,匆匆地跨入了1997年。冰天北国,要数一月份最冷。王天戈同他的司机,轮换着开车,忙着往回赶路。沿途,城镇、乡村、山林、阔野,遍地白花花的积雪。然而,鹅毛大雪还在下个不停,只有在被车轮压过的地方,才露出一条曲折而漫长的路,让人能辨识出公路向前伸展的方向。三天前的上午,黑龙江省双鸭山市集贤县一家煤矿给厂里打电话,说他们刚买去的水泵,装好运行8个小时就坏了。分管生产的副厂长沈德全,撂下电话,急忙到厂长室,把这件事报告王天戈。“难道水泵质量有问题?”王天戈左思右想。他当即找来有关人员,反复分析、研究,大家都怀疑产 The pace of history, accompanied by flying snowflakes, hastily entered 1997. In the north of the country, it is coldest in January. Wang Tiange, with his driver, was changing his car and was busy driving back. Along the way, the towns, villages, forests, and wild fields cover the white snow. However, the heavy snow is still on the next stop, only in the place where the wheels are pressed, it shows a tortuous and long road, allowing people to identify the direction in which the road stretches forward. Three days ago, in a coal mine in Jixian County, Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province, they called the factory and said that the water pump they had just bought had been damaged after 8 hours of operation. Shen Dequan, deputy head of the company in charge of production, made a phone call and hurried to the director's office to report the incident to Wang Tiange. “Is there a problem with the quality of the water pump?” Wang Tiange left thinking right. He immediately found relevant personnel, repeatedly analyzed and studied, and everyone doubted the production.
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为了做好1998年新开标准化课题(GB;GJB;WJ;WJN)的论证工作,现将1998年建议项目原则刊登如下:1.军用标准体系表及“九五”规划所列项目; In order to do a good job of the
对一个地区来说,如何把结构调整工作扎实有效地引向深入,打好结构调整这场硬仗?笔者认为,关键是要围绕存量资产重组和增量结构优化,把握好以下四个主要方面: For a region,