
来源 :联合国青年技术培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:berg123
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  The Youth Advisory Board - YAB was established in 2008 during the World Urban Forum 4 in Nanjing, and passed by the Governing Council in 2009. There are 14 young representatives (between 18-32 years old), two per region (North America, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, West Asia and Asia-Pacific, always one male and one female, plus two external advisors), coming from the most diverse backgrounds, from urban planning to law, but which share the passion for youth activism to create the world we want starting from our cities.
  Now YAB is on its second term, which started on July 2012 and will last until July 2014. For this second term we were elected online, with more than 7000 votes from all over the world. The main point for us is that we are just representatives of the youth in our continent or region, so, for this reason, we can’t precisely quantify how many volunteers worldwide actually contribute to this large, network of young people, which is in constant expansion and bringing new challenges to us: how can we more efficiently reach more young people and engage them, especially the numerous young people in China?
  The Youth Advisory Board is a consultative body to UN Habitat. So we-re not an official UN organization, but we are not an external organization either. We have a special status of advisors to the UN, and in our case, everything is managed and reported directly to the Youth Unit, which is inside the Economy Branch of UN-Habitat. This is an outcome of the process of getting the youth on board so when youth policies are outlined by the governing council, by the different projects that UN Habitat does, the youth is there to be a watchdog, to be monitoring, to be giving ideas, and to bring the opportunities back to where we come from. Mainstreaming youth in the UN agenda is our overarching goal.
  There’s a practical example, the Urban Youth Fund. It's a fund that is available through UN Habitat to be awarded to the most innovative urban projects led by the youth. The fund is there every year, with grants up to 25.000 dollars to each selected organization. If the fund is there but the youth doesn't know about this, how is it going to be effective? Maybe someone who is really close to people here may know and the get it, but that's not the point. The point is to have a real competition between youth initiatives, so we're supposed to go back and advertise this opportunity for the youth. That's one way. The other way is, ok, the 24th governing council is on and the priority is going to be the youth. This is not by chance, it's because of people like us, going to the UN officials advocating for youth to be on top of the agenda. So we are bringing back the opportunities from the UN and bringing forward the ideas from young people.   Exemplifying how we act inside UN. During the 24th session of the Governing Council, we were at the headquarters in Nairobi following sessions, participating in political debates, coming up with recommendations directly to the governments – and was also secured daily morning youth meetings, called youth caucus, where we can strength the youth connections through the world. We've done a good job bringing the youth debate forward and coming up with resolutions. We've also been involved in the advocacy process. We're talking to people in our national delegations to promote youth needs in the resolutions that are being passed, and that is really a political type of job.
  On the other hand, at the World Urban Forum 6 - WUF, and at the World Urban Youth Assembly (which happens previously to the WUF), both in Naples last year, we had more contact with academia and NGOs. We participated in different sessions, bringing questions like what’s the relationship between youth and land, or what are young people expecting from green jobs in the post Rio+20. Another example. I was there in the transport session. We looked at the relationship between youth and urban transport, asking questions such as: can young people afford cars? is our society going to be car dominated? Is the bicycle something sustainable and green or is it a necessity because you don't have money to buy a car? How do young people suffer in congested cities? This is a youth cross-cutting perspective on transportation that UN documents would not usually delve.
  Being here also means that we can get involved in the official programs, so for example World Urban Campaign is a campaign to promote good practices across cities, and there are architects, surveyors, urban planners, and then there is the youth. As youth representatives of our regions at UN-HABITAT we are interested in good practices for young people, so we-re sitting around the table and sometimes we get to speak and promote that. For Habitat 3, the conference in Turkey in 2016, we hope there will be a session where youth shares good practices, like “youth in this country has done car sharing to allow access to mobility”, “youth in this other country has done slum upgrading to provide houses for them”, and then we can share the practices across, actively helping to shape the agenda.
  We’re not here for ourselves; we are here to be the link between the UN Habitat and the youth in our region. We are here to be a Youth Voice in UN.   我们所在的青年顾问委员会(YAB)是于2008年第四届世界城市论坛举办时成立的组织,向人居署经济局的青年部述职。YAB是人居署的一个咨询机构,具有联合国特别顾问地位。它既不是一个正式的联合国机构,但也不是一个独立于联合国之外的机构。这个机构是一个让青年人聚在一起的平台,当理事会制定青年政策或人居署开展青年项目时,青年人能在其中充当监督、建议的角色,同时将机遇带回他们所在的国家。简而言之,我们就是各自国家的青年代表。我们来这里并不是为了自己,而是为了建立人居署及我们所在地区青年人的联系。目前,YAB主要通过以下两个方面建立这种联系,首先从联合国获取发展机会。比如,联合国有一个青年基金。这个基金主要是通过人居署向那些由青年主导的创新项目提供资金帮助。这个基金每年都有,最高达到25,000美金。如果基金有了,但是青年人却不知道,那么就达不到应有的效益。
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