
来源 :联合国青年技术培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kql999
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  I have seen in my field experiences that they (illiterate and uneducated women) all say that their daughters should not have the same life they have. They would like to see that their child is getting educated. Many women are doing it. At least many children in India are getting educated at least at the elementary level. Their aspiration level is coming up.
  Income enhances the role of the women within the family. If you look into the microfinance and microcredit programs, it makes a lot of important for women. It increases their political participation, because when a group of women gather in one of those programmes, some of them become community leaders. They get involved in education, in the proper function of the public agendas and proper functioning of schools, even in terms of the food supply, and even confronting the government about corruption. Their involvement is coming up. When the women come together, it serves as an empowerment/ involvement factor.
  The classic example is in late 1970s and early 1980s, there was a major women movement in India. That started because of the liquor intake of the male members of the families resulted in extreme domestic violence. To fight against it, women came together, not against their husbands but to ask the state to stop the liquor supply.
  Violence is not a new thing for us, rape is not a new thing for us, we face it every other day. When something happens, women are more in the position to come out, because the urban spaces provide them with a space. Especially in the middle class level, a lot of awareness is happening, through the media, through the Facebook, TV and movies. There has been an increased number of reports on sexual violence, so that is giving men fear that they’re gonna get caught.
  Political participation of women, at a very local level, is that they’re normally wives or daughters of an existing member of a certain party. They just become a stamping and signature machine. But in five years they learn, because they might not talk but they’ve been listening. And when they can reach a more active position, they give a lot of help to marginalized groups.
  However, Social taboos are still limiting women’s participation in politics, but I think women are finding ways to challenge that. If you say “I accept everything”, there’s no way, but if you say “I want to change this”, you can change it. Women do struggle but they’re doing it, it’s happening. We’ve had female chief justice, the speaker of the parliament is female etc.
  然而,社会的禁忌仍然限制妇女参与政治,但我认为女性正在寻找方法来挑战。如果你说:“我接受一切”,那一切将照旧,但如果你说 “我想改变这一点”,那你就可以改变它”。
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