认知企业文化 方能顺势而行

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企业文化是一个企业信奉并付诸于实践的价值理念,是企业的“灵魂立法”。企业文化反映了一个企业内部隐含的主流价值观和行为方式。企业文化可以促使企业产生凝聚力并且提供竞争优势。作为员工,应尽快适应进而融入所在企业的企业文化。职校学生在就业过程中,表现出来的思想、行为与企业文化的冲突大致有这样几种类型:“怕苦怕累”型。上世纪90年代前后的毕业生都是独生子女,成长在我国物质文化水平明显提高的社会大环境中,良好的经济条件使很多学生淡化了艰苦朴素的意识。在从学校到职场的转换中,不少学生表现出怕苦怕累的现象。学生小谭进入学校推荐的实习岗位后,做了不到一个月 Corporate culture is a company believes and put into practice the value of the concept of enterprise “soul legislation ”. Corporate culture reflects the internal mainstream of an enterprise values ​​and behavior. Corporate culture can promote business cohesion and provide a competitive advantage. As an employee, adapt to the corporate culture of your company as soon as possible. Vocational school students in the employment process, the performance of ideas, behaviors and corporate culture, there are roughly the following types of conflicts: “afraid of suffering tired ” type. Graduates of the 90s of last century were all only children and grew up in a social environment with a marked improvement in material and cultural standards in our country. The favorable economic conditions have led many students to downplay their simple and simple consciousness. In the transition from school to the workplace, many students show fear of hardship and fear of tiredness. Student Xiaotan entered the school recommended internship position, did less than a month
有一种比较流行的看法,就是在评论中国企业价格战时,普遍持这样一种态度,认为价格战是“低层次”的竞争,而“品牌战”或“价值战”才是高层次的竞 There is a rather popula
The electronic structure and energy of La2Ni10H12 and La2Ni10H11He (He is at tetrahedral, octahedral or twelve-face polyhedral interstitials) double cells have
本文介绍了直列式六缸15/18型柴油机曲轴及其轴承(曲轴箱轴承部件)抗弯刚度实验研究的方法和结果。曲轴抗弯刚度只在曲轴的两个位置上确定:在曲柄受载平面 This paper intr
二项式定理的问题相对较独立,题型繁多,解法灵活且比较难掌握;二项式定理在每年的高考中基本上都有考到,题型多为选择题、填空题,偶尔也会有大题出现.本文将针对高考试题中常见的二项式定理题目类型一一分析如下,希望能够起到抛砖引玉的作用.  一、 求二项展开式  1. “(a+b)”型与“(a-b)”型的展开式  例1 求(1-x)5(1+x+x2)5的展开式  分析:由anbn=(ab
The title complexes (LnL_3(HL)(H_2O)]_2·2EtOH·2H_2O (Ln= Nd (1), La (2), HL=adamantanecarboxylic acid) were prepared and determined by single-crystal X-ray di