来源 :Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shen648491077
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Extant studies of cooperative advertising mainly consider a single-manufacturer-single-retailer channel structure.This can provide limited insights,because a manufacturer,in real practices,usually deals with multiple retailers simultaneously.In order to examine the impact of the retailer's multiplicity on channel members' decisions and on total channel efficiencies,this paper develops a multiple-retailer model.In this model,the manufacturer and the retailers play a Stackelberg game to make the optimal advertising decisions.Based on the quantitative results,it is observed that:1) When there are multiple symmetric retailers,as the number of retailers scales up,the manufacturer's national advertising investment contributes increasingly to add to channel members' profits in equilibrium,but the total channel efficiency deteriorates quickly and converges down to a certain value;2) When there are multiple asymmetric retailers,the distribution channel suffers from the manufacturer's uniform participation strategy due to the retailer's free-riding,and benefits with the manufacturer's retailer-specific participation strategy.This study derives equilibrium solutions in closed form for all games considered and measures explicitly the gains/losses of channel efficiencies under different game settings. Extant studies of cooperative advertising mainly consider a single-manufacturer-single-retailer channel structure. This can provide limited insights, because a manufacturer, in real practices, usually deals with multiple retailers simultaneously. In order to examine the impact of the retailer's multiplicity on channel members' decisions and on total channel efficiencies, this paper develops a multiple-retailer model. In this model, the manufacturer and the retailers play a Stackelberg game to make the optimal advertising decisions. Based on the quantitative results, it is observed that: 1) When there are multiple symmetric retailers, as the number of retailers scales up, the manufacturer's national advertising investment contributes increasingly to add to channel members' profits in equilibrium, but the total channel efficiency deteriorates quickly and converges down to a certain value; 2 ) There there are multiple asymmetric retailers, the distribution channel suffers from the manufacturer's uniform pa rticipation strategy due to the retailer's free-riding, and benefits with the manufacturer's retailer-specific participation strategy. this study derives equilibrium solutions in closed form for all games considered and measures explicitly the gains / losses of channel efficiencies under different game settings.
背景与目的:   脑梗死是一种具有高发病率、致残率及病死率的疾病,目前尚缺乏有针对性的治疗策略。转化生长因子β1(transforming growth factor-βl,TGF-β1)作为一种多功
目的:探讨α-氰基丙烯酸酯医用胶对兔角膜穿通伤的治疗作用。   方法:对18只新西兰白兔的双眼制造相同的角膜穿通伤模型,左眼作实验组,用α-氰基丙烯酸酯封闭伤口,右眼作对照组
2013年1月1日起,22万南京市公务员和事业单位员工告别了延续几十年的公费医疗福利,全员并入城镇职工医疗保险。至此,江苏省内,除了省级机关事业单位外,其余部门和地市已全部实现了医保“并轨”。  放眼全国,内地31个省市区中,已有25个取消了公费医疗制度。广东、湖北等6个省份,尚未完成改革的,也仅存省会城市和省级机关等少数单位。此外,北京市人力社保局副巡视员张大发披露,33万在京的中央单位公务员或
目的:探讨糖尿病心血管自主神经病变患病率、临床特征及其影响因素;探讨临床现有的诊断方法对于糖尿病心血管自主神经病变诊断及早期筛查的价值。  方法:对符合入组标准的156
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(江苏农林职业技术学院,江苏 镇江 212400)  摘 要: 本文通过对目前高职院校如何以职业能力为导向进行体育教学课程的改革进行了分析,以期为我国高校体育教学发展提供一定的参考依据,为我国培养更多的体育运动人才。  关键词: 职业能力;高职体育;教学课程改革  以职业能力为导向的教学课程改革的不断深入,给高职院校的体育教学也带来了一定程度的影响,相关工作人员如果想要从根本上提高高职院校体育教学
背景:   随着现代影像学技术如CT和MRI的广泛应用,肾脏肿瘤的检出率不断增加。对于偶然检出的最大直径小于4.0cm的无症状性肿瘤,既往的治疗手段往往陷入两难。与既往多见的典