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  The Aries mothers are born active, and therefore it makes great sense to present them something like membership of gym or billiards club etc. You can also present her a gift certificate and a bunch of tiger lilies, which certainly match the energy and vibrancy of the Aries mothers.
  Taurus mom’s soft and sentimental nature can be bowled over by gifting her with a bouquet of tropical hibiscus, which she will just love. We can make her happier and more joyous by wrapping the gifts in attractive and bright papers.
  A typical Gemini mother loves a bouquet of bright and colorful flowers. Regarding gifts, a Gemini is so fond of reading, so find out her favorite author and present her with some of her/his good works not read by your mom.
  Cancerians mothers love to have family and friends, to organize parties and to entertain at home, so arrange a grand get-together at your home by inviting all the close relatives and her offsprings. This will make her day! They adore all kinds of flowers, so go ahead and arrange some of the most beautiful and brightest flowers for your dear mom.
  The Leo moms feel elated and joyous when presented with something like sunflower blossoms—the sunflowers define the Leo mothers completely. And if she is presented with a card made with our own hands, it will be like icing on cake!
  As Virgo moms are very particular about time, they would love anything which is timesaving. So it’s time to ponder over if you have ideas in mind. Any gift which will help her to save time is a sure welcome.
  Libran moms are sentimental, romantic and sympathetic at heart. Present her with a beautiful bundle of roses. She’d be touched to receive roses from her beloved children. Her heart can also be won over by presenting homemade cards.
  As Scorpio moms have an individualistic attitude, their taste invariably goes towards—loving plant life. So, different varieties of flowers and andplants can be the best gift for them.
  Sagittarius mothers generally like perfumes with strong smell. Thus gifting her with perfumes of different fragrance would make her joyful. Another idea would be to gift her with a walkman and a few of her favorite songs.
  Although she is soft and sentimental, your Capricorn mom really appreciates being a little extravagance. So present her with a piece of jewellery which she likes.
  Even though she’s an Air Sign, Aquarius mom appreciates being grounded in reality. She loves strange gifts, heartfelt surprises and almost anything that will touch her soul and keep her eager mind centered.
  As Piscean mothers are born daydreamers and live in the world of fantasy. They should be gifted something which is calming and soothing. It will help her to escape from the time being. The idea of going to a peaceful place can be a very good present for the lady.
  双鱼座妈妈是个天生的空想家,生活在奇幻世界里。应该选择一些实实在在的东西作为礼物, 帮助她们暂时远离幻想。带她去一个宁静、平和的地方也是一个不错的选择。
亲爱的读者朋友,每期我们将提供一些阅读和作文的练习供大家进行擂台比武,欢迎将答案通过E-mail(583691179@qq.com)或者书信以最快的速度发来,学生可直接发答案,参与的老师欢迎将答案解析一并发来,我们将在下一期公布答案和优秀参与者名单。  Ⅰ. 语篇阅读 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。  Mr. Harris taught third-grade science. On the fir
Elizabeth Bennet, a smart, kind country girl, is the second of the five daughters in her family. The family has no son, so it is the cousin, Mr. Collins that inherits[1] the fortune. Mrs. Bennet is  a
本片是美国环球公司拍摄的科幻动作大片,曾获三项奥斯卡提名。影片有两大看点:一是塑造了千奇百怪、极具个性的怪物形象,从红砖色粗冽皮肤、牛魔王式断角、一拳千斤的男主角Hell boy,到力大无穷、丑陋臃肿的怪物保镖,六腿双翼、贪食迅猛的小牙仙,以及食猫怪、巨石怪、双头连体怪等,每个怪物都给人留下了深刻的印象。二是设计了大量精彩的武打动作,特别是影片开头灵界王子一段浑洒自如的枪术,戳、挑、劈、削接连展现
Ⅰ. 看图,写单词。(1 ’× 5 = 5分)  1. This is a_________________.  2. I have got a_________________.  3. The stone is_________________.  4. These balloons are very_________________.  5. My friend made a________
One little bird,  Come hop, hop, hop.  And I cried, little bird,  Will you stop, stop, stop?  I was going to the window  To say, how do you do?  But he shook his little tail,  And away he flew.  一只小小鸟
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出生日期:2002年5月1日  爱好:足球  座右铭:态度决定高度,习惯成就人生。  就读学校:江苏省连云港市新海实验中学教育集团延安校区七(12)班  指导老师:陈传光  New Times Shopping Mall  I think the best place for shopping here is the New Times Shopping Mall.  It’s near the