K-19 mRNA RT-PCR in detecting micrometastasis in regional lymph nodes of gastric cancer

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kmweiran
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AIM: To investigate the value and prospect of RT-PCR in detecting micrometastasis in regional lymph nodes of gastric cancer. METHODS: Histopathology was used and K19 mRNA expression was detected by RT-PCR in tumor tissues and lymph nodes from gastric cancer patients undergoing radical resection of gastric carcinoma. RESULTS: K19 mRNA was expressed in all tumor specimens of 30 cases; of the 126 lymph nodes, 26 were histopathologically positive (20.6%), and 42 positive (33.3%) by RT-PCR. Amplification fragments of 460 and 540 bp were shown in all the tumor tissues and metastatic lymph nodes after K19 andβ-actin RT-PCR, while only a 540 bp fragment appeared in the lymph nodes of non-tumor patients. CONCLUSION: K19 mRNA RT-PCR is sensitive and specific in testing micrometastasis in regional lymph nodes of gastric cancer, and it is superior to routine histopathology. METHODS: Histopathology was used and K19 mRNA expression was detected by RT-PCR in tumor tissues and lymph nodes from gastric cancer patients undergoing radical resection of gastric carcinoma. RESULTS: K19 mRNA was expressed in all tumor specimens of 30 cases; of the 126 lymph nodes, 26 were histopathologically positive (20.6%), and 42 positive (33.3%) by RT- and 540 bp were shown all in the tumor tissues and metastatic lymph nodes after K19 and β-actin RT-PCR, while only a 540 bp fragment was in the lymph nodes of non-tumor patients. specific in testing micrometastasis in regional lymph nodes of gastric cancer, and it is superior to routine histopathology.
作为法拉利最为畅销的车型之一,F430为法拉利赢得了不少的赞誉,也正因如此,它的换代车型458 Italia的揭幕吸引了诸多目光。先来看这款车的心脏,458 Italia采用的是法拉利新款
随着临床上酚妥拉明治疗喘憋性肺炎的广泛应用,在肯定其疗效的同时,我们也发现存在许多不良反应。现将我院1992年以来收治的患儿120例中所观察到的不良反应分析如下。1 临床
摘要:建构主义是西方国家20年以来所提倡的一种学习理论,已成为教育教学改革中的一种指导思想。本文以译林版《牛津高中英语》为例,以建构主义理论为基础,从情境真实、资料收集、学生为主等三个方面,尝试激发学生学习英语的积极性和提高课堂教学的实效。   关键词:建构主义;情境;资料;学生;牛津高中英语   建构主义的思想最初起源于著名心理学家皮亚杰,俄国心理学家维果斯基也对建构主义理论的发
患儿,男,4个月。因咳嗽2周门诊以支气管肺炎收入院。患儿为 G_3P_3,孕35周早产,顺产,早产原因不详。孕期母亲体健。有2个姐姐,生长发育正常。父母为3代外近亲结婚。家族中无