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  What was the Temple of Solomon?
  1)According to the Bible, it was the Israelites?first 2)permanent ouse?of God, built specifically to house the 3)Ark of the Covenant. The Ark ?a gold covered wooden chest containing the 4)Ten Commandments ?had originally been carried by the chosen people and Moses through the desert.
  When they arrived at the promised land of 5)Canaan, they kept the Ark at the heart of the 6)tabernacle, a tent-like building regarded as God
  's 7)dwelling place on Earth.
  After King Saul unified the Israelites, they settled in Jerusalem under his successor David. It was David's son Solomon who built the temple, now known as the Temple of Solomon. It would become the Israelites?only legal place of 8)worship.
  In Jewish history, this time is known as the First Temple period, and begins at around 1,000B.C.
  What evidence is there that the Temple of Solomon existed?
  The only evidence is the Bible. There are no other records about it, and to date there has been no archaeological evidence of the Temple at all. What's more, other sites 9)associated with King Solomon ?palaces, 10)fortresses and walled cities that seemed to match places from the Bible ?are also now in doubt.
  Some of the scholars now believe there may be little or no archaeological evidence of King Solomon's time at all, and doubt that he ruled the empire which is described in the Bible.
  Why did the appearance of the stone tablet cause such attention?
  Inscriptions from the First Temple Period are extremely rare. In fact, only one other 11)royal inscription from this period has been found in Israel. The souse of David?Victory 12)Stele, now in the Israel Museum, contains the only 13)reference to Solomon's father David which exists outside the Bible.
  The stone tablet appeared to be of even greater importance, offering the only known archaeological evidence for Solomon's most famous building. It also seemed to prove some 14)verses in the Bible which 15)mentioned the Temple.
  Why did the authorities set up an 16)inquiry?
  Although the Geological Survey of Israel concluded that the stone tablet was genuine, there were a number of questions that worried archaeologists, 17)philologists and the police.
  The lack of any provenance was a major problem. No one could explain where the inscription had been found. Moreover, some scholars were raising questions about the language of the inscription. Did it match the Hebrew of the First Temple Period?
  For the police, it was a matter of law. Under Israeli law, any ancient artefact discovered after 1978 belongs to the state. So if this stone was genuine and had been recently found, then its sale was 18)illegal. And if it was a fake, then the police wanted to find out how and where it had been produced.
  据《圣经》记载,所罗门圣殿是以色列第一座永恒的上帝 “居所”,专门为存放约柜而建造。约柜是一个表层镶有黄金的木制柜子,里面装有摩西十诫;最初的约柜由上帝的选民和摩西运送穿过沙漠。

这是英国浪漫主义诗人济慈(1795-1821)写给恋人芬妮·勃劳恩的情书。1818年,23岁的济慈认识并爱上了邻家少女勃劳恩,并在伦敦订婚。后来,他因看护弟弟而传染了肺结核病。1820年,他在友人的陪伴下去意大利休养,但还是于1821年 2月23日在罗马去世。此信写于济慈去世前不久,表达了他对恋人的爱,以及对两人关系的担忧。    Wednesday Morning. (Kentish Town,
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