我国现行宪法即1 982年宪法公布施行至今已经30年了。在此期间,1988年、1993年、1999年、2004年,全国人大分别对我国宪法个别条款和部分内容作了必要的、也是十分重要的修正,使我国宪法在保持稳定性和权威性的基础上紧跟时代前进步伐,不断与时俱进。1988年宪法修正案1988年4月12日,七届全国人大一次会议通过了《中华人民共和国宪法修正案》。这个修正案共两条:第一,在宪法第11条中增加规定:“国家允许私营经济在法
It has been 30 years since the Constitution of our country, the constitution of 1982, was promulgated and implemented. During this period, in 1988, 1993, 1999 and 2004, the NPC made the necessary and important amendments to the individual articles and sections of the constitution of our country respectively so that the constitution of our country, on the basis of maintaining stability and authority Keep pace with the progress of the times and keep pace with the times. Amendments to the 1988 Constitution On April 12, 1988, the First Session of the Seventh National People’s Congress passed the Amendment to the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China. There are two amendments to this amendment: first, adding to the Article 11 of the Constitution: ”The state allows the private economy in the country