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值此中华人民共和国建国56周年前夕,迎来了复旦大学百年校庆。忆往事,复旦大学于《红岩》小说和剧本中为国捐躯的烈士有六人,其中陈以文是复旦大学高年级生, “中国学生导报”副社长。王朴是何刚的同窗好友。1944年王朴与何刚同时考入复旦新闻系,他参加何刚创办的《风马牛》杂文壁报社,(风马牛是讽、骂、扭的谐音,意即学习鲁迅先生用笔作匕首、投枪,抨击反动统治下的黑暗势力。)他们志趣相投,一起撰文,针砭时弊,一起学习理论,一起参加学生运动。他们曾在嘉陵江畔夏坝黄桷树包下一个小茶馆的全部茶座,秘密学习《新华日报》、《群众》杂志、 On the eve of the 56th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, ushered in the centenary celebration of Fudan University. Recalling the past, Fudan University in the “Red Rock” novels and scripts for the country to die in six martyrs, of which Chen Yvwen Fudan University is a senior, “China Herald” vice president. Wang Pu is just a classmate friend. In 1944, both Wang Pu and He Gang were admitted to the Fudan Journalism Department at the same time. He attended He Gang’s “Fengma Niu” essay wall newspaper office. (Feng Niu Niu is satirical, curse and twisted homonym, meaning learning Mr. Lu Xun’s pen as a dagger, Cast their guns and attack the dark forces under the reactionary rule.) They share similar interests, write together, tackle the problems and learn theories together to participate in the student movement. They had all the teahouses under a small teahouse in the summer dam of Jialing River, secretly studying “Xinhua Daily”, “masses” magazine,
树莓适应性很强 ,在我国除青藏高原外 ,大部分地区都能栽植 ,在北方树莓可忍受 -40~45℃的低温。在南方任何地方都能栽植。在亚热带地区将发生一定的变化 ,因为树莓的根系没有自然
  Objective:to observe therapy effect of radio frequency hot cogeal target puncture for lumbar intervertebral disc hemiationMethod:Thirty patients with lumbar
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  Objective:To discuss the possibility of wide lumbar canal fenestrtion decompression in the treatment of lumbar canal stenosis and central disc herniation wi
  Objective:To classify the clinic type of neurological intermittent claudication and evaluate the clinic outcome of these patients who were treated according
  Objective:To perform the Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusions (ALIF) using the technique of Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery (MISS).Methods:Twenty ALIF cases wer