
来源 :职业与健康 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sdngam
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目的了解广州市海珠区青少年健康危险行为现状。方法采用分层整群抽样的方法,随机抽取该区大、中学在校学生801名,采用广州市青少年健康危险行为调查问卷进行调查。结果海珠区青少年过去7 d内吃路边摊、西式快餐、甜食和偏食发生率为33.21%、21.60%、16.35%和29.59%;过去30 d减肥报告率达61.92%,其中锻炼减肥51.44%,节食减肥27.34%;大学生每周运动较少(8.60%~20.79%),上网报告率较高(89.25%);中学生体育活动报告率(32.95%~63.33%)和课外学习报告率(75.10%~81.56%)较高;骑自行车违规率为15.05%;过去1 a到过非安全场所游泳发生率7.62%,中学生离家出走意念报告率24.71%,自杀意念报告率7.74%,青少年学习压力重、斗殴、安全没保障报告率分别为21.47%、13.23%和12.86%;尝试吸烟和近期饮酒报告率分别为22.97%和28.96%;曾经使用过毒品和镇静催眠类药物报告率为6.74%和5.87%;高中生和大学生边缘性行为和性行为发生率分别为34.10%、55.20%和4.60%、5.02%。各种健康危险行为中,不同性别及不同学习阶段学生间差异大多有统计学意义。结论广州市海珠区青少年健康危险行为不容忽视,应积极采取综合管理措施,预防和减少其发生。 Objective To understand the status of health risk behaviors of adolescents in Haizhu District of Guangzhou City. Methods A stratified cluster sampling method was used to randomly select 801 students in large and middle schools in this district and investigate the risk behaviors of adolescents in Guangzhou by questionnaire. Results Adolescents in Haizhu District took roadside stands in the past 7 days, the incidences of Western fast food, sweets and partial eclipse were 33.21%, 21.60%, 16.35% and 29.59% respectively. The reported weight loss rate reached 61.92% in the past 30 days, including 51.44% Dieting and losing weight were 27.34%; college students had less weekly exercise (8.60% ~ 20.79%), higher online reporting rate (89.25%), secondary school students reported physical activity (32.95% ~ 63.33%) and extracurricular study report rate 81.56%); bicycle violation rate was 15.05%; in the past 1 a to non-safety swimming place 7.62%, secondary school students runaway idea rate of 24.71%, suicide ideation rate of 7.74%, young people learning pressure, Fighting, safety did not guarantee the reporting rates were 21.47%, 13.23% and 12.86% respectively; smoking prevalence and recent drinking reported rates were 22.97% and 28.96% respectively; the reported rates of once-used drugs and sedative-hypnotics were 6.74% and 5.87% The prevalence rates of borderline and sexual behavior among high school students and college students were 34.10%, 55.20% and 4.60%, 5.02% respectively. Among various kinds of health risk behaviors, most of the differences between students of different genders and stages were statistically significant. Conclusion Adolescents’ health risk behaviors in Haizhu District of Guangzhou should not be neglected. Integrated management measures should be actively taken to prevent and reduce their occurrence.
目的 探讨细节化护理干预措施在鼻咽癌患者放射治疗期间的应用效果, 方法 选取2016 年5 月至2017 年5 月我院收治的鼻咽癌患者72 例为研究对象,随机将其等分为对照组和观察组
目的 :对国内外的西沙必利的不良反应报告进行分析 ,希望能促进其合理应用。方法 :检索《药物不良反应光盘》,1980年至今的《中国生物医学文摘数据库》,MIMS《中国药品手册互