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分圓周為n等分,或與此有聯繫的關於作正多角形的問題,在學校裏的教科書中,構成了平面幾何作圖問題的一部份。教師教給學生的,是利用圓規和直尺,把圓周分為3、4、6等份的方法;有時還講把圓周分成10或5等份的方法,並把能否等分圓周的高斯檢驗法,介紹給學生。當準確的作圖不能做到時,教師們便介紹一種近似的利用量角器分圓周的方法,墨守着教科書的成法,他們常常僅作到這一步為止。利用幾何的方法是可以準確地分圓周為3、5、6、15、17、及257等份的,然而這裏並沒有一個統一的方法;分圓周為15等份的方法是這樣,而分圓周為5或6等份的方法又是那樣,所有的方法都得記住,這對學生有何益處呢? 正由於這樣,從學校裏畢業的人,幾乎在任何時候,誰也不用把圓周分為5、10、17等份的幾何方法,他們往往純粹只利用量角器來分圓周 The division of the circle into n equals, or the question of making a positive polygon associated with it, forms part of the problem of plane geometry drawing in school textbooks. The teacher teaches students the use of compasses and rulers to divide the circle into 3, 4 and 6 equal parts; sometimes the method of dividing the circle into 10 or 5 equal parts, and whether it can divide the circle equally Gaussian test is introduced to students. When accurate drawings cannot be done, the teachers will introduce an approximate method of using the protractor to divide the circumference. The ink keeps the textbook’s method. They often only do this step. The method of using geometry is to accurately divide the circumference into 3, 5, 6, 15, 17, and 257 divisions. However, there is no uniform method; the method of dividing the circle into 15 equal divisions is such that the circumference is divided into For the 5 or 6 aliquots, that way, all methods must be remembered. What benefits does this have for students? Because of this, people who graduated from school almost at any time, no one needs to divide the circumference into cents. For geometric methods of 5, 10, and 17 equal parts, they often use only the protractor to divide the circle
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通过建立微型生态系统,研究不同养殖密度和处理时间的背角无齿蚌(Anodonta woodiana)对大宗淡水鱼养殖池塘水体中重金属的净化效果。结果显示,背角无齿蚌对重金属的净化效果
林琳遇害那天,我在德州达拉斯(Dallas,Texas)。接到噩耗,我整天神魂落魄不知所措,当时我们三十出头,从没想到几乎天天见面的朋友会突然辞世他去。之后我回纽约,错过了葬礼,这倒更好,因此我感觉林琳一直没去。  故事  我和林琳以前在国内相遇多次却又不熟。在纽约视觉艺术学校(SVA)读书的时候,也一直“礼仪”相距。他比我高两届,大概我们两个都是反叛心重,更被当时亚洲学生很少的SVA环境宠坏,进
4一 引峰l’-二 厂口.,、、r...L 一 臼1︸ P一高中二年极题解十/,t。ll(.“十户十.l]~1十1.若。、‘之,、、1,化筒(1一叮、2‘一一兰亘二三一一、杯1一卜x一1/1一:l一‘r十,--