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  1. Feminist Image in A Song of Ice and Fire
  A. Cersei Who Pursues Political Rights
  Beauty, family and wealth are women's existence in a patriarchal society capital, which has a beautiful Lin, through the politics become queen, and mastered the power of the original. But Cersei soon discovered that, though she was a queen, she had few political opportunities, and that her husband Robert used her only as a token of his alliance with Casterly rock and as an instrument of sexual desire. Thurman heated her husband's indifference and roughness, and retaliated with extreme measures. She murdered her husband, and launched a coup. The children of her incest with her brother Jamie, Joffrey, and Tommen, were successively elected to the throne as Robert's successor, and she ruled the country as they regency queen mother. Heather takes extreme measures to obtain the power she desires, but she cannot use it. Her exercise of power is only an unsuccessful imitation of her father and husband. She hated the patriarchy for hunting her, but when she had power, she hurt other women in the same way and became an abuser. Her perversion and the arrogance led to her eventual downfall. You can despite her politics, you can despite her arrogance, you can you can despise her fate, you can despite her vision. But she is a self-conscious woman who grew up aware of the gender inequality. As a boy, Jamie was raised to great expectations as an heir. Born female, she was educated to be a lady and had good manners. She looked down on the IQ of their own Jamie, she wants to become the heir, she played a trick, let Jamie become a king knight, deprived of his identity as heir. Cersei become green and used the prestige of the land ministers to gain the information and military power of King's landing.
  She had a great sense of political participation, and when Joffrey came to the thrones, she made herself king. When Joffrey and Tywin died, she began to feel that the seven nations were hers, and she wanted to realize her political ambitions. She felt most like her father, a woman's Tywin. She made full use of the two magic weapons of women her power or political means or the use of female characteristics, the use of beauty to win over the public, the use of family money of adoring Adonis. But she is at last standing on the high ground of power.   B. Sansa Who is not Attached to Masculinity
  The eldest daughter of the guardian of the north and Edward stark, the duke of Winterfell, Sansa was good-looking, modest, courteous, good at music and working women, and she met all society's requirements for aristocratic women. Naturally, Sansa, a handsome knight, longing for romantic love, and looking forward to the romantic life in the ballads, never wanted to join the power struggle, but her birth doomed her to be unable to escape the vortex of power struggle. To win over the north, king Robert made Lord Edward prime minister, and Sansa was able to get engaged to prince Joffrey and go to king' landing with her father. In spite of the way to king's landing, exposed, and in the fight ayah cucina in violent nature, the queen was ling also show a cruel side, ice Wolf lady killed innocent is to let Sansa heart- broken, but it failed to wake her, she continued to escape from reality, fantasy cucina will become the prince in their songs. After her father is killed, she becomes the daughter of a traitor from the duke's daughter; in the queen's watch and king Joffrey beat hard to survive. Cruel reality shattered all her fantasy, she found her love prince joffrey is actually evil and cruel monster; she found that the selfless and fearless knight who protected the weak did not exist in the songs.
  Even the best knight of the seven kingdoms, the kings’ guard, would feel helpless at the command of Joffrey. She found that the noble knights shunned her like bats when she was alone and helpless. Sansa bloody in the residual power struggle, get to know the heart sinister in the murky environment to learn how to see through intrigue, but of the patriarchal society fair maiden type passive rely on male power culture made her only no resistance and independent survival ability character of passive and Confucianism weak that she doesn't have the courage to fight for their rights, she can only hide their feelings, and do the shield with the politeness and lie, as pawns of mercy, disciplined by others. Sansa is a typical representative of westerofian maidens. Society and family teach them to rely on men. Their education is also needlework for housework or etiquette and music for pleasing others. But once they lose the bottom guard, they can only be passive and controlled, and it is difficult to achieve personality independence.
  C.Arya Who has a Brave Heart even with a Small Body
  “Ladies shouldn’t play with swords   I'm not playing and don't want to be a lady.”
  Be not playing and don't want to be a lady."Because she's arya, arya is in her heart. The whole song of ice and fire, the most admirable and distressed, is arya, the appearance of people confused tomboy. She did not want or despise her sister's daily stitch-ups and ladylike education. Her dream was to become a knight of soil.She had been resolute and upright since childhood. The righteous blood of the Starks flowed through her. What she does not know, however, is that the world is never fair, especially in a world where the hierarchy is clear and winners and losers seek power. As a child, she had an enlightened father, a loving and supportive brother. All the happiness and lost 50 unexpectedly. The moment stark went north to king's landing was the beginning of the family's misfortune.The elder sister is controlled, experience the father that loves to be cut off by enemy personally the head is angry, unwilling, however impotent despair. From that moment on, her heart, only revenge, who dares to move her love of the family, she must die to let it pay the price. It doesn't matter how powerful the enemy is, how powerful the enemy is, how many armies there are, met Jia Kun by accident and inevitably the burning fire of revenge combustion is increasingly vigorous, in order to learn the real thing, and tortured in the stick again and again don't let go she returned to the light, began to learn the power of god, and of thousands of surface seems to have forgotten the past myself, really but I firmly believe that she or her, or like the girl with perseverance. She came back, at this time of her, is no longer that young ignorance, rampage little Wolf girl, experienced so many hardships, she learned not only a mask of a martial arts and for bearance and calculation, and hatred gave her vicious, strong and brave, a righteous, Look at her revenge, really is very happy.
  D.New Female Daenerys Who Pursues PersonalityIndependence
  The dragon mother started out as a jittery little girl slowly growing into a long line of titles for the queen. The dragon mother in the eyes of a strange man is a silly little girl who doesn't understand. The dragon mother grew up in the environment that made her, plus her grasp of the environment her experience, the achievements of this unique queen. As the saying goes, a person how much glory, and how much responsibility she is. At the age of thirteen, he was sold by his brother to a tall and powerful alien. He had to learn to please him. After her husband died, her children miscarried and left a mess that she would have to bear. She has a plug, her dragon, that allows her to get preferential treatment in a city, but also has all kinds of traps and betrayals. With the death of her brother and husband, Daenerys broke away from the attachment to male power and began to lead her own life. She knew what people said, had her own set of governance philosophy and never forgot her original intention, and won successively. Despite occasional setbacks, a queen has grown up. The dragon mother is a woman who did not abandon the female characteristics, and did not use the female characteristics, and did not use the female characteristics, but by virtue of their own charm, wisdom, strength to take over the world. She hatches the dragon which has already died out for a hundred years from the flame, relies on own “the dragon mother” and “does not burn” the strength, conquer the troops, had own iron alliance guard and the Khalasar, became the first to hold the dominion the kali to shine. After witnessing the darkness of slavery, she resolutely conquered the three slave states of AshapoorYuankai and Meereen, overthrew the slavery system, liberated all the slaves, and became the formidable queen of Meereen. Daenerys by being at the mercy of a cowardice, girl gradually grow into a hand heavily the queen liked by his subjects, become the most powerful women, in the process, Daenerys realized the radical transformation, she became more and more powerful, feed from the control of male power and control, truly realized the personality independence.

[1]Awino, Okech. On Feminist Futures and Movement Imperatives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015

[2]Gao, Shang. “Some of the origins of the religions in A Song of Ice and Fire”.Cinematography(9 June 2015),3

[3]Jonathan, Schaffe. “Social construction as grounding for feminists”. Boston: H-oughtonmifflin, 2017

[4]Peter, Huang. “Material feminismand ecocriticism”. New York: Bowker, 2017

[5]Theodore, Sider. “Substantivity in feminist metaphysics”. Philosophical Studies ( 9July 2015), 5-6




摘要:公共艺术作品所处的环境一般是三维空间内,但带给观者的体验往往是各种各样的。本文在分析了社会热点问题以及社会现状的情况下,对作品的材料以及表达方式进行分析以此来研究公共艺术作品艺术性、情感性的问题。探寻公共艺术这个年轻的“门类”,借助一件作品来研究如何与当今的社会热点问题结合,并向人们传达出公共艺术所能带给人的情感。  关键词:与时俱进;材料表达;情感传递;  在众多的艺术门类中,公共艺术虽然
摘要:中国2010年颁行的《关于办理刑事案件排除非法证据若干问题的规定》和《办理死刑案件审查判断证据若干问题的规定》,首次对“瑕疵证据”及其补正问题进行了明确。两部司法解释确立了瑕疵证据的范围、补正程序、补正标准以及补正不能的法律后果,但是,对于瑕疵证据的认定、补正规则等问题存在一定的规范疏漏需补足。  关键词:瑕疵证据;非法证据;补正规则  一、瑕疵证据的认定  所谓瑕疵证据,是指侦查人员通过轻
摘要:本文旨在全媒体传播的语境中,从现状、问题和解决方法这三个方面,对目前湘西形象优化遇到的问题和面临的挑战进行解读,为其应对当前的机遇和挑战提供参考。为湘西及其他偏远民族地方的全媒体背景下形象建构和优化提供有价值的实践标杆和思维范式。  关键词:全媒体;湘西;形象优化  自改革开放以来,湘西地区在政治、经济、文化等方面较过去已经发生了翻天覆地的改变,但是受到一些外界因素的影响,湘西的蛮荒贫穷落后
摘要:现代艺术设计的运用中,陶艺凭借其独特的优越性逐渐与城市的公共艺术公共设施领域相结合,在观赏的基础上兼顾实用,以全新的形式把艺术、人、城市三者之间紧密的连在了一起、更好的发挥出陶艺的潜在魅力,拓宽了公共艺术的表现形式,发挥了他们的时代特性。在现代公共艺术设计的作品里,综合材料的运用越来越普及,将具有文化载体的陶瓷材质与装置艺术相结合,可以形成当代独特的艺术之美。  关键词:陶瓷艺术;艺术;公共
摘要:新时期科技发展日新月异,大数据、人工智能及虚拟现实等前沿技术正给新闻传播带来颠覆性变革,体现在两大方面:传播模式上,智能传播的资讯“个人定制”,彻底改变“以传播者为中心”模式,实现新闻传播由“千人一面”向“千人千面”转变;传播领域上,智能传播突破文字、图片、音视频等传统媒介限制,让受众在虚拟空间“亲临现场”感受新闻。  关键词:智能传播;变革;个性化推送;VR+新闻  与以往传播模式相比,智
摘要:财务人工智能是社会和科技发展的必然结果和产物,财务人工智能的发展及应用,对财务工作职能、财务组织模式、财会人员角色定位等都产生了巨大冲击。对财会人员在岗位转型、能力提升、思维转变、技术建构、职业再规划等方面提出了新的要求。  关键词:财务人工智能;财会人员;转型发展  十九大报告中提及到:“加快建设制造强国,加快发展先进制造业,推动互联网、大数据、人工智能和实体经济深度融合。”习近平主席高度