通过杂交、辐射诱变、自然变异选择等手段培育出了R9─1、R1831、R187等有实用价值的粳型两系杂交稻恢复系,1992~1993年用R9─1、R187、R183等与粳型光敏核不育系N5088S、7001S制种333.3hm ̄2,示范10000hm ̄2左右,成为我省首批应用于生产的粳型两系法杂交组合。
The restorer lines of japonica two-line hybrid rice with practical value such as R9─1, R1831, R187 were cultivated by means of hybridization, radiation mutagenesis and natural mutation selection. From 1992 to 1993, R9─1, R187, R183, Japonica type photo-sensitive genic male sterile lines N5088S, 7001S seed 333.3hm ~ 2, demonstrating 10000hm ~ 2 or so, becoming the first batch of japonica two-line hybrid combinations used in the production.