,Transition of Magnetoresistance in Co/Alq3 Granular Film on Silicon Substrate

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ARCHERY6805068
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A Co0.38 (Alq3)0.62 granular film is prepared using a co-evaporating technique on a silicon substrate with a native oxide layer. A crossover of magnetoresistance (MR) from positive to negative is observed. The positive MR ratio reaches 17.5% at room temperature (H = 50 kOe), and the negative MR ratio reaches -1.35% at 15K (H = 10 kOe). Furthermore, a metal-insulator transition is also observed. The transition of resistance and MR results from the channel switching of electron transport between the upper Co-Alq3 granular film and the inversion layer undeeath. The negative MR originates from the tunneling magnetoresistance effect due to the tunneling conducting between adjacent Co granules, and the positive MR may be attributed to the transport of high mobility carriers in the SiO2/Si inversion layer.
在找出解决策略之前,首先应该弄清楚是什么样的原因让这三个小朋友不与其他小朋友分享快乐与困难,导致其他小朋友很难融入他们的交往圈。只有追根溯源,弄清原因,才能对症下药。针对以上案例,我们认为可能有以下几种原因:   原因一:小朋友自身性格偏内向,不擅长与他人交往。针对这个原因,我们可以采取以下措施:   首先,幼儿的健康成长离不开家庭和幼儿园的共育,《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》明确指出:“幼儿
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有一天,我告诉孩子们,有一位天使要送礼物给他们。“耶!”孩子们欢呼雀跃,高兴得手舞足蹈。一个孩子问:“是什么礼物呀?”另一个孩子问:“什么时候送给我们呢?”我神秘地说:“保密!”于是,孩子们带着遐想和渴望期待着。  从那天开始,下课后,总有几个小尾巴按捺不住心中的好奇和渴望,追着我问:“老师,天使什么时候才给我们送礼物呢?我都等不及了!”我笑着说:“快了!”“能不能再快一点?到底是什么礼物呢?老师