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各市、县人民政府,省各委、办、厅、局,省各直属单位: 近年来,我省广大企业积极参与以诚信为主题的“重合同守信用”活动,涌现出一大批重约守信、守法经营、管理规范、经济效益不断提高的优秀企业。为贯彻落实党的十六届三中全会精神,推动社会信用体系建设,倡导诚实守信的社会风尚,鼓励企业加强信用管理,省政府决定命名南京晨光集团有限责任公司等162家企业为江苏省第五批重合同守信用企业。希望被命名企业发扬成绩,再接再厉,不断以信誉开拓市场,以诚信赢得客户,为全省企业起模范带头作用;希望全省各类企业积极参与重合同守信用企业创建活动,努力提高信用责任意识和信用管理水平,加快企业自身发展,为加快建设“诚信江苏”、实现“两个率先”目标作出新的贡献。 The people’s governments of cities and counties, provincial committees, offices, offices, bureaus, and provincial directly-affiliated units: In recent years, the majority of enterprises in our province have actively participated in the “Contract-honoring and Promise-keeping” campaign with the theme of integrity, and a large number of projects have emerged. An excellent company that promises trustworthiness, law-abiding business operation, management practices and continuous improvement of economic benefits. In order to implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee, promote the construction of a social credit system, advocate honest and trustworthy social practices, and encourage enterprises to strengthen credit management, the provincial government decided to name 162 companies such as Nanjing Chenguang Group Co., Ltd. as Jiangsu Province. Five batches of contracts and trustworthy enterprises. It is hoped that the named enterprises will carry forward their achievements, make persistent efforts, continue to develop markets with prestige, win customers with integrity, and play an exemplary role for enterprises in the province; hope that all types of enterprises in the province will actively participate in the establishment of contracts and trustworthy enterprises and work hard to raise awareness of credit responsibility. And the level of credit management, accelerating the development of the enterprise itself, and making new contributions to accelerating the construction of “integrity in Jiangsu” and achieving the “two lead” goal.
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一个有世界各地传媒大亨参加的新闻发布会曾在悉尼奥运会上举行。人们发现坐在前排的美国传媒巨头 NBC 副总裁麦卡锡突然蹲下身子,钻到桌子底下。大家目瞪口呆,不知道这位大
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空炉损耗功率是考核电炉的重要技术经济指标。 设计电炉时,设计者要根据设计任务书进行大量热工计算。其中包括空炉损耗功率P损计算。这一计算是在额定温度(对于标准电炉或