深化改革 促进发展

来源 :冶金政工研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:siany
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十五年来,我们攀钢在冶金部和省、市委的领导下,从攀钢实际情况出发,着重进行了六个方面的改革:一是从1980年起,攀钢率先对国家实行了利润定额承包;二是从1980年以来,在攀钢内部建立了严格的经济责任制,对攀钢内部实行了“集中指挥,统一经营,专业管理,分类放权”的管理模式,逐步实现了企业管理的整体优化;三是1985年进行了企业领导体制改革,在全国冶金系统第一家实行了厂长(经理)负责制;四是从1988年起,攀钢进行了劳动、人事、分配三项制度改革,在攀钢内部建立了“干部能上能下,职工能进能出,岗位靠竞争,责权利靠合同,收入凭贡献”的竞争激励机制;五是1988年我们组建了攀西集团,1993年6月,经国家批准改为国家计划单列的攀钢集团;六是1993年攀钢进行了股份制试点,成立了攀钢 In the past 15 years, under the leadership of the Ministry of Metallurgy and the provincial and municipal governments, Panzhihua Iron and Steel has made six reforms focusing on the actual conditions of Panzhihua Iron and Steel. First, since 1980, Panzhihua Iron and Steel took the lead in implementing the profit quota for the country Contracting; the second is since 1980, Pangang established a strict internal economic responsibility system, the internal implementation of Panzhihua Iron and Steel “centralized command, unified management, professional management, classification and decentralization” management model, and gradually realized the business management The overall optimization; Third, in 1985 carried out the reform of the enterprise leadership system, the first in the country’s metallurgical system implementation of the factory manager (manager) responsibility system; Fourth, since 1988, Panzhihua Iron and Steel carried out labor, personnel and distribution of the three systems In the process of reform, a competition and incentive mechanism was established in Panzhihua Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. to “enable cadres to go up and down, and workers go in and out, and their positions rely on competition, and responsibility and power rely on contracts and make contributions on revenue basis.” Fifth, in 1988, we formed Panxi Group, June 1993, approved by the state changed to a separate national plan of Panzhihua Iron and Steel Group; Sixth in 1993 Panzhihua joint-stock pilot was established Panzhihua Iron and Steel
当前,企业宣传工作确实面临许多新课题,到底怎么做,三明钢铁厂的同行给我们作了回答。 At present, corporate propaganda work really faces many new topics, in the end how