本模块知识网络Unit 7 How much are these socks?

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  Section A
  1. How much is this T-shirt?
  (1)how much用来询问物品价格:
  How much is this bike?
  (2)how much还可用来询问数量多少,但后面多跟不可数名词:
  How much milk do you have every day?
  How much chocolate do you want to buy?
  (3)how much还可用来询问程度的深浅:
  How much do you love your school?
  2. — Can I help you?
  — Yes , please.
  另外,在各种服务场所,工作人员都要对顾客说Can I help you ? / May I help you ? 有时也可说What can I do for you?
  (2)help做动词,意为“帮忙;帮助”,常用结构为help sb (to) do sth,意为“帮助某人做某事”。
  Tom often helps his mother (to) clean the garden.
  ① help!
  ②help sb with sth
  My teacher often helps me with my homework.
  ③help oneself (to) 自便;随便(吃/喝……)
  Come on, boys. Help yourselves to some juice.
  ④can’t help doing sth 忍不住做……
  Kate couldn’t help crying when she won the match.
  Tony needs some help.
  3. I need a sweater for school.
  need v. 需要
  Do you need any help?
  I don’t need your money, thanks.
  need...for... 需要……去做……
  We need some color paper for the next art class.
  4. It looks nice.
  look v. 看;看上去
  She looks at me and smiles.
  He looks very tired.
  注意:sth + look + adj 结构中,look 表示“看起来;看上去”,后面接形容词。
  5. I’ll take it.
  take v. 买下;拿;取
  I’ll take the grey jacket.
  I forget to take my bag with me when I go to school.
  Grammar Focus
  1. How much is the socks? ________
  2. How much are that hat? ________
  3. These shoes are twenty-three dollar. ________
  4. These hat is eight yuan. ________
  5. My sister don’t have a bike. ________
  6. Have a look for the picture. ________
  7. They each has a bag for sports. ________
  8. We have many bags. Do you like it? ________
  9. Thank a lot. You’re welcome. ________   10. I’ll take these short one. ________
  Section B
  1. Come and buy your clothes at our great sale!
  做不及物动词时,意为“来;来到”,后接动词不定式做状语,即come to do sth“来做某事”。come的反义词是go,后接地点名词时,需加介词to;后接地点副词时,则要省略介词to。
  He comes to school early every day.
  Please come here before 10:00.
  I want to buy some apples.
  buy后接双宾语,即用于buy sb sth或buy sth for sb结构,意为“给某人买某物”。
  My mother buys me new clothes every year.
  = My mother buys new clothes for me every year.
  (3)sale n. 卖;出售
  sale表示“特价销售;出售”;我们在一些小店里常看到写有“On Sale”的牌子,表示“该物品降价出售”。
  2. We sell all our clothes at very good prices.
  (1)sell v. 卖;销售
  I want to know if you sell football or not.
  sell at 以……价格卖(at后常跟价格)
  The store sells the coat at 200 yuan.
  (2)price n. 价格
  He sells that book at a cheap price.
  at the price of 以……价格
  ( ) 11. Do you have lots of friends in your class?
  A. much B. many
  C. a lot D. any
  ( ) 12. Can I help you?
  A. What about B. What are
  C. Can I go with D. What can I do for
  ( ) 13. I would like to buy a hat.
  A. want B. take
  C. help D. like
  ( ) 14. This pencil case is cheap. I’ll take it.
  A. like B. sell
  C. buy D. bring
  ( ) 15. Let’s have a look at your watch.
  A. see B. look
  C. look at D. find out
  1. 多少钱
  2. seven dollars
  3. 一个白色的包
  4. clothes store
  5. 以很合适的价格
  6. Big Sale!
  7. 一双黑色的鞋子
  8. Can I help you?
  9. 给你。
  10. I’ll take it.
  1. $30, yellow, the, also, shoes, are
  2. are, how, much, pens, the
  3. do, what, you, color, want
  4. you, bags, sports, need, do, for
  5. for, sell, 30, we, pants, only
  1. This clothing shop s all kinds of clothes.
  2. Can you h me with my homework?
  3. I n a sweater for school.
  4. The shirt is OK. I will t it.
  5. — What c T-shirt do you want?
  — White.
  6. — How m are the trousers?   — 50 yuan.
  7. The shorts are 75 d .
  8. Come and b your clothes at Xin Hua Clothes Store.
  9. We have sweaters at a very good p .
  10. The skirt is on s for $40.
  1. How much ____ (be) the two shirts?
  2. The shirt is 20 ____ (dollar).
  3. Can you help ____ (we)?
  4. You can ____ (buy) the trousers for only twenty dollars.
  5. Go and ____ (play). It’s fun.
  6. How much are ____ (this) black socks?
  7. I don’t want to go shopping. I don’t have ____(many) money.
  8. My mother ____ ____ (not like) watching TV.
  9. I have two ____ (pair) of shoes.
  10. These ____ (clothes) are red.
  ( ) 1. — ___ do you want?
  — Some oranges.
  A. How B. What
  C. What color D. How much
  ( ) 2. The backpack is 25 yuan each. I want to buy two for ___ yuan.
  A. twenty B. thirty
  C. fifty D. sixty
  ( ) 3. The store sells sweaters ___ a very good price. We can buy one ___ 40 yuan.
  A. in; at B. on; for
  C. at; on D. at; for
  ( ) 4. I don’t want long pants. I need ___ ones.
  A. red B. black
  C. short D. big
  ( ) 5. The black socks ___ two dollars.
  A. have B. are
  C. need D. sound
  ( ) 6. — I know you have a new sweater. Can I have a look?
  — ___ .
  A. It’s thirty yuan B. It’s good
  C. Here you are D. Thank you
  ( ) 7. — Where do you ___ the backpack?
  — ___ that store. It’s on sale.
  A. sell; From B. sell; To
  C. buy; For D. buy; From
  ( ) 8. — Come and see the blue sweaters.
  — I don’t like them. I like ___ red ones.
  A. this B. those
  C. they D. that
  ( ) 9. — How much ___ the broccoli?
  — ___ two yuan.
  A. is; It’s B. are; They’re
  C. is; They’re D. are; It’s
  ( ) 10. — Come to the clothes store and see for ___ .
  — OK. Thank ___ .
  A. you; you B. you; yourself
  C. yourself; you D. yourself; your
  1. How much is the bag?(改为同义句)
  What’s the ____ of the bag?
  2. I need a white skirt.(改为同义句)
  I ____ a white skirt.
  3. My red dress is 20 dollars.(对画线部分提问)
  ____ ____ is your red dress?
  4. She wants a sweater.(对画线部分提问)
  ____ does she want?
  5. Bill’s shirt is white.(对画线部分提问)
  What ____ is Bill’s shirt?
  6. John has three black jackets.(改为一般疑问句)   ____ John ____ three black jackets?
  7. These are photos of my family.(改为单数句)
  ____ ____ a photo of my family.
  8. Can I help you?(改为同义句)
  What can I ____ for you?
  9. The store sells clothes.(改为否定句)
  The store ____ ____ clothes.
  10. I’m fourteen years old.(对画线部分提问)
  How ____ are ____ ?
  Linda is a clerk. She wants to 1 a new car. She has an old one. Her old 2 is black. Linda doesn’t like that 3 . She likes red and she wants to buy a 4 car. A new red car is on sale. Linda wants to buy it, but she can’t 5 it now. She only 6 $1,000. So she’ll 7 pay $1,000. And she needs to pay 8 a month for 48 months. Linda pays 9 for the new car, but that’s 10 . Linda can afford $400 each month for the new car. She likes the new car very much.
  ( ) 1. A. help B. sell C. buy D. thank
  ( ) 2. A. friend B. store C. room D. car
  ( ) 3. A. number B. color C. example D. price
  ( ) 4. A. black B. small C. short D. red
  ( ) 5. A. want B. like C. afford D. see
  ( ) 6. A. needs B. has C. eats D. spells
  ( ) 7. A. first B. last C. only D. also
  ( ) 8. A. $48 B. $400 C. $1,000 D. $20,200
  ( ) 9. A. some B. many C. lots of D. a lot
  ( ) 10. A. fun B. difficult C. OK D. relaxing
  Lucy is a nice girl. She is twenty-six. She opens a clothes store. Its name is Lovely Clothes Store. The store is for girls, not for boys. The store has clothes in many colors. Do you want to have a look at the store?
  Clothes Colors Price
  T-shirts blue, green and white 25
  Skirts red, green, yellow and black 45/65
  Sweaters yellow, blue and red 35/55
  Pants orange, white and green 54/84/104
  ( ) 1. The clothes in Lovely Clothes Shop are for ___ .
  A. babies B. girls
  C. stars D. boys
  ( ) 2. The T-shirt is ___ yuan each.
  A. 25 B. 35
  C. 54 D. 65
  ( ) 3. Serena can buy ___ skirts for 130 yuan at the store.
  A. two B. three
  C. four D. five
  ( ) 4. The store has ___ in yellow and red.
  A. T-shirts and sweaters B. sweaters and pants
  C. sweaters and skirts D. T-shirts and pants
  ( ) 5. What can we know from the passage?
  A. Lovely Clothes Store also sells food.
  B. The store sells T-shirts for three colors.
  C. A girl can find red shoes in Lucy’s store.
  D. We can buy two pairs of pants for 104 yuan in Lucy’s   store.
  This morning my parents and I are in a big store. Lots of things are on sale. There are all kinds of skirts in many colors. I like the white skirt. It’s only 49. My mother wants a hat. The hats are in white, blue, black and yellow for only 18 each. She likes the blue one. My father doesn’t like clothes. He wants a computer. A computer is on sale in the store. It’s only 3999. It’s very cheap. He decides to buy it. Finally we take the white skirt, the blue hat and the computer. They are 4066.
  ( ) 6. The store is very small.
  ( ) 7. The girl likes the white skirt in the store.
  ( ) 8. The girl’s mother wants a white hat.
  ( ) 9. The girl’s father doesn’t like clothes.
  ( ) 10. The girl’s father buys the computer for 4066.
  short, want, our, clothes, have
  look, price, thirty, sale, buy
  1. Each of us ____ a yellow sweater.
  2. Does Lucy ____ to have a big bookcase?
  3. The pants are long for her. She is ____ .
  4. The skirts are on sale. ____ can buy them for $3 on Sunday.
  5. Come to see the new ____ in Rose Store!
  6. Fifteen and fifteen is ____ .
  7. We have sweaters at very good ____ .
  8. My socks are small. I want to ____ a big pair.
  9. The blue shorts on ____ are very cheap.
  10. The clothes are good. They ____ nice.
  A: Can I help you?
  B: Yes, please. 1
  A: Come and look at these T-shirts. They are for boys.
  B: This one is nice. 2
  A: 138 yuan.
  B: Oh, it’s dear.
  A: 3 It’s only 60 yuan.
  B: Good. Well, this one is too long for my son. 4
  A: Yes. Here is a short one.
  B: OK, thanks.
  A: 5
  A. You’re welcome.
  B. How much is it?
  C. Do you like the color?
  D. What about this one?
  E. Do you have a short one?
  F. I need a T-shirt for my son.
  G. I want to go shopping with my son.
  1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
  请根据以下提示,给Mr. Smith’s Clothes Store写一篇广告。要求语句通顺,意思明确,字数约60字。
  提示:pants—$25, socks—$4, hats—$7, at a very good price, afford our prices, for yourself, on sale
(共两节,满分30分)  第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)  听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。  1. When will Tom finish his homework?  A. At 7:50.B. At 8:00.C. A
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课时一  单词短语回顾  1. litter 2. cost 3. bottom 4. advantage 5. ugly 6. plastic  用所给单词的正确形式填空  1. littered 2. fishermen 3. advantages 4. wooden 5. cost  根据汉语意思完成句子  1. at the bottom of 2. cost; living; big c
Section A  1. — Where is the schoolbag?  书包在哪里?  — It’s under the table.  在桌子下面。  table n. 桌子  常用词组:at table在吃饭  at the table在桌旁  【易混辨析】table与desk  desk和table都表示“桌子”的意思,desk一般而言都是指“办公桌、书桌、写字台”,一般带有抽屉;
重点单词meet v. 遇见;相逢  telephone n. 电话机;电话  number n. 号码;数字  phone n. 电话机;电话  telephone/phone number 电话号码  friend n. 朋友  China n. 中国  first adj. 第一  name n. 名字;名称  first name 名字  last adj. 最后的;末尾的  last n
Section A  1. What about this dictionary?  这本字典呢?  What about...?是一句常用的客套话,它后面可接名词、代词或动词-ing形式。  (1)询问情况或打听消息。当对方对谈的事情不明确,需要询问清楚时,可用这一句型。  I’d like a cup of tea. What about you?  我想喝杯茶,你呢?  — I want t
Section A  1. When is your birthday, Linda?  琳达,你什么时候过生日?  “When is one’s birthday?”是询问某人生日的句型;若问某人何时出生,则用句型“When was /were...born?”  When is your birthday, John?  约翰,你什么时候过生日?  When were you born, Jo
Section A  1. —Do you have a ping-pong bat?  你有乒乓球拍吗?  —Yes, I do.  是的,我有。  (1)do(第三人称单数形式为does)aux v. & v.用于构成否定句和疑问句;做;干  ①构成否定句  当一个句子由“主语+实义动词+(宾语)”结构组成时,要想把这个句子变成否定句,常常在行为动词的前面加上don’t或doesn’t。主语是