学生主动发展为本 数学素质提高为纲

来源 :上海教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:robbieqzl
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《进入21世纪的中小学数学教育行动纲领》在《上海教育》发表了,这是上海数学教育界的一件大事。《行动纲领》敏锐地反映了世纪之交的时代需要,及时地跟踪数学科学的现代进展,明确地提出“要提高全体学生数学基础能力”的要求,特别是抓住了“以学生发展为本”这一关键,使得今后十几年内的上海数学教育改革有了正确的方向。可以设想,未来的中小学生,不再只是在考场上才显得优秀的考试型人才,他们当然也能够应付各种考试,但更是一群生龙活虎的、善于团结别人一起奋斗的、敢于向未来挑战。能在国际政治、经济、科学、艺术舞台上搏击的一代新人。 The “Program of Action for Mathematics Education in Primary and Secondary Schools in the 21st Century” was published in “Shanghai Education”. This is a major event in Shanghai’s math education community. The “Program of Action” acutely reflects the needs of the times at the turn of the century, timely tracking the modern progress of mathematics, and clearly put forward the “to improve the mathematical basic ability of all students” requirements, in particular to seize the "based on student development The key to this is to ensure that the reform of mathematics education in Shanghai in the next decade will have the right direction. It can be imagined that the future primary and secondary school students will no longer be excellent examiners in the examination room. Of course, they will also be able to cope with various examinations. However, they are also a group of people who are prosperous and lively and who are good at uniting with others and dare to challenge the future. A new generation of people who can fight on the international political, economic, scientific and artistic stage.
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